Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

The Magic of Sorting Data

How to Uncover Hidden Insights and Impress Your Audience

6 min readMar 2, 2023


Do you have a lot of data that you need to sort out? Sorting data is like cleaning your room. It makes everything look nice and neat, and it helps you find what you need faster. Sorting data can also show you some cool things that you might not notice otherwise, like how things change over time or how they are related to each other. Plus, sorting data can make other tasks easier too, like searching for something or combining different data sets. And if you want to show off your data to others, sorting it can help you make awesome charts and graphs that will wow them.


Sorting is a fundamental operation in data processing, especially when dealing with large datasets because it helps refine data into some meaningful order to make it easier to understand, analyze or visualize. [1]. Sorting is an essential operation in Big Data processing, for various reasons:

  1. Faster Data Processing: Sorting a large dataset can help optimise subsequent processing, such as filtering or aggregation, and can lead to faster query times. [2]
  2. Improved Performance: Sorting data in a specific…

