Dual flush toilets

Joe Carrow
3 min readNov 1, 2017


A dual flush toilet has two flushes 1.6 gallons per flush for solid waste and 0.8 gallons per flush for liquid waste. The user option allows for a significant amount of water savings. Depending upon your household the average water savings is between 2,000–7,000 gallons of water per year

What toilet suits your water saving needs?

Water Saving Toilets Information

So you are about to buy a water saving toto flushing toilet but you are not sure what type of water saving toilet suits your needs? You are in luck I am just going give a brief but thorough explanation on water saving toilets. Well first off there is nothing special about these toilets. They are installed like your old toilet. If you don’t know how to install your plumber will know how. You don’t need special plumbing for these toilets and water saving toilets is carried in most stores. Ok, now that we got the general info out of the way let’s move on to the specifics.

Extreme Water Saving toilet:

Compost toilet: A Compost toilet barely uses any water at all. (Compost toilets are a little harder to find in regular home improvement stores) -Switching to a compost toilet can save you almost, all of the water you flush with your current toilet.

Great Water Saving Toilet:

High Efficiency toilets aka (HETs) are toilets that use 20% less water to flush than a low flow toilet (1.6 gallons). There are two types of HETs:

Single flush toilets: There is a single flush product on the market which flushes 1.28 gallons per flush.

Dual flush toilets: There is also the dual flush toilet which qualifies as a high efficiency toilet but has two flushes. It is actually the best of both worlds. The Dual flush uses a 1.6 gallon per flush and a 0.8 gallon per flush. The user gets the option to pick which flush volume is suitable for the waste. The average amount flushed is roughly 1.28.

We offer one piece, two piece and wall hung dual flush toilet.

*By upgrading to a high efficiency toilet you can save up to 18,000 gallons of water per year

Mild Water Saving Toilet:

Ultra low flow and Low flow toilets: Use 1.6 gallons per flush. This flush volume is the standard in most retail stores. You can’t actually buy a toilet that uses more than 1.6 gallons. It is actually against the law.

*can save over 10,000 gallons of water

Hopefully this brief explanation will help your research for finding the perfect water saving toilet.

Why you should start saving water?

Water saving starts with correcting the simplest habits at home. It may require breaking old familiar routines but it is well worth it. Replacing some of your outdated water guzzling household products is not a bad place to start. Dishwashers, clothes washer, shower- heads and toilets are just some of the products to seriously consider replacing. Toilets are a lot more advanced when it comes to water saving than the toilets of the past. Getting a new water saver toilet whether it is through a government rebate program or just purchasing it yourself. Will definitely have a significant impact on your water saving efforts. By purchasing a water saving toilet, your investment will pay for itself very quickly. You can save between 70–100 dollars per year depending on your current toilet’s flushing size. Water conservation is at the forefront of the environmental concerns for the United States. Over the next 5 years the United States government is predicting water shortages for nearly every state.

Dual flush toilet



Joe Carrow

Hi, M name is Joe Carrow a professional digital marketer. I am helping people to buy or use the best product!