Salon Towel Warmers | Keeping Your Hot Towel Cabinet in Top Form

Joe Carrow
3 min readOct 21, 2017


Hot towel cabinets can be a massage therapist’s best friend. Available in a wide variety of sizes designed to fit in any size room or space, they are incredibly convenient, sanitary, and add a comforting, personal touch to the massage experience.
The warmth of the towel relaxes the muscles and the client deeply, and the heat can help the massage oils penetrate deeper into the body by opening the pores.

This can be an incredibly luxurious experience for the client, and one that will have them coming back for seconds.

However, a lot of therapists do not think about taking the time to clean the cabinets or properly care for them, which can cause them to break down over town. By following some simple tips, you can keep your cabinet functioning, clean, and your clients feeling pampered.

Some Simple Tips

  1. Clean your cabinet daily. At the end of the day, thoroughly wipe out the inside. This will prevent the buildup of residue, mildew, and dirt. If the cabinet is wet after cleaning, leave the door open so that it can dry. Do not place towels back inside until the insides are dry?
  2. Do not leave towels in the warmer overnight. This can cause mildew to grow both in the cabinet and on your towels.
  3. If you spill something in or around your warmer, clean it up immediately. Spills that are left unintended can dirty up your warmer quickly, causing foul smells, and can be hard to clean up if left behind for extended time.
  4. Remove and clean the racks in addition to the insides. Racks can store the bulk of bacteria and dirt since they hold the towels. By cleaning the racks, you will keep your towels sanitary and smelling wonderful.
  5. Clean the drip tray by removing it from the warmer and washing it with warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry the tray thoroughly before placing it back in the warmer.
  6. Do not assume that just because your warmer features a UV bulb that it will keep your towels and the inside sanitary. Warm, moist places are breeding grounds for bacteria and mildew so never slack on wiping out the inside. See also about

Some Maintenance Tips:

  1. Check the screws frequently. If they appear loose or rusted, they should be replaced or tightened.
  2. Your on or off switch may also stop functioning as the cabinet gets older. Do not be tempted to fix it yourself; call a professional.
  3. The glass doors can crack if somebody bumps against them too hard, tries to shut it with their foot, or knocks something hard against it. If the door does crack, it should be replaced by a professional immediately and therapists should take care not to get glass shards on the towels if the door shatters from impact.

Do Not Slack on Caring for Your Hot Towel Cabinet!

The hot towel cabinet can be your best friend and last for years if you follow the simple cleaning and maintenance tips listed above. Daily cleaning will keep your cabi in perfect condition and will also keep mildew and dirt from building up.



Joe Carrow

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