The Concept of BRC-20 and ARC-20 Tokens

The Role of SuperEx In TheEvolution

SuperEX Nigeria
7 min readDec 14, 2023

The BRC-20 standard is attracting widespread attention in the cryptocurrency community. The implementation of BRC-20 not only offers profit to block miners but also revitalizes the space as a whole using Ordinal’s features to create new solutions for the transfer and management of digital assets.

In this article, we’ll be talking about BRC-20, ARC-20 which is a standard that enables the use of a uniform API for tokens within smart contracts, and how SuperEx is building a platform that will aid their evolution and adaptation.

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What is BRC-20?

BRC-20 is an experimental token standard that allows fungible tokens to be created and exchanged on the Bitcoin network. It is an abbreviation for Bitcoin Request for Comment, and it is built on the same principle as the ERC-20 token standard used on the Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) blockchain networks.

The development of the BRC-20 token standard rose from the growing demand for fungible tokens within the Bitcoin blockchain.

This was the major driving force behind the inception of the tokens, providing developers with a tailored solution to generate fungible tokens that seamlessly integrate with the Bitcoin blockchain via the ordinals protocol.

The ordinals protocol is a system for numbering satoshis (sats) and allows users to attach extra data to satoshis in a process known as “inscription. This data can be used to represent a token`s value, or it can be used to store other information, such as the token`s owner or its expiration date.

This is partly because of their potential worth as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and their foundation on the Bitcoin blockchain. With BRC-20 tokens, there`s a possibility to utilize them to symbolize ownership of tangible things like real estate or vehicles.

Since BRC-20 tokens are embedded within the Bitcoin blockchain, it offers them security and permanence.

History of BRC-20

BRC-20 all started from the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in September 2020, it was introduced as a faster, cheaper alternative to the Ethereum blockchain. BRC-20 quickly gained popularity among developers and users, becoming a hub for DeFi projects due to easy implementation, low costs, and compatibility with existing Ethereum tools. The BRC-20 token standard was created using Ordinals and Inscriptions, and originated on the Bitcoin base chain, allowing users to store any file on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Key Features of BRC-20 Tokens:

1. Interoperability: BRC-20 tokens are designed to work seamlessly with various decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts within the BRC-20 blockchain ecosystem.

2. Fungibility: The interchangeable nature of BRC-20 tokens ensures that each token holds the same value and can be used interchangeably without any loss of functionality.

3. Smart Contract Integration: BRC-20 tokens rely on smart contracts to execute and validate transactions, providing a secure and transparent way of managing token transfers.

Advantages and disadvantages


1. network Integration: BRC-20 tokens interact smoothly with the Bitcoin network, which is recognized for its strong security and decentralized nature.

2. Security Features: Built on the Bitcoin foundation, BRC-20 tokens provide a high level of security, boosting protection against fraudulent activity.

3. Fungibility: BRC-20 tokens conform to the idea of fungibility, allowing them to be interchanged and representing a wide range of values, making them useful in a variety of applications.

4. Adaptability: To demonstrate their adaptability, the tokens are adjustable and appropriate for applications like as loyalty programs and crowdfunding sites.

5. Transferability: BRC-20 tokens may be readily sent and received across wallets connected to the Bitcoin network, providing user-friendliness.

6. Cost Effectiveness: BRC-20 token transaction costs are settled in Bitcoin, a cost-effective cryptocurrency, making them an inexpensive solution for expedited transactions.

7. Multifunctional Utility: BRC-20 tokens indicate variety and promise as a multifunctional tool, with uses ranging from loyalty schemes to decentralized exchanges.


1. Ordinals Protocol Development: BRC-20 tokens use the ordinals protocol, which is currently in its early phases of development, increasing the chance of errors or vulnerabilities as the technology grows.

2. Scalability concerns: While the Bitcoin network is resilient, it may encounter scalability concerns when compared to other blockchains, perhaps leading to congestion issues if BRC-20 tokens become popular.

3. Limited Support: BRC-20 coins have not received the same extensive support as established standards such as ERC-20, which may result in fewer wallets and exchanges accepting these tokens in comparison to more commonly recognized competitors.

Use Cases of BRC-20 Tokens

Peer-to-peer transfers: BRC-20 tokens can be transferred among users, utilizing Bitcoin’s functionality, with transaction fees charged in Bitcoin.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): BRC-20’s flexibility makes it a potential starting point for DeFi, as it can be integrated into decentralized exchanges (DEX), yield farms, and other lending protocols. Platforms like have already established a platform for transferring, trading, and minting BRC-20 and Bitcoin NFTs. The advancement of BRC-20 is expected to have a snowball effect.

What is ARC-20?

With the rise in popularity of BRC20, new protocols such as Atomic, PIPE, and others have developed alongside traditional protocols, each trying to provide unique functionality to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

These protocols, including the Atomic protocol, operate on the Bitcoin network and enable the production, transfer, and updating of digital objects such as NFTs (native digital, game-related, digital identity, domain names, social network assets, and so forth).

The Atomicals Protocol addresses the long-standing issue of how to represent arbitrary fungible token assets on the Bitcoin network. The ARC-20 fungible token standard finally brings colored coins to Bitcoin and uses each Satoshi to represent ownership units of deployed tokens. This means that every token unit is backed by 1 Satoshi forever.

The Atomic protocol, in particular, pioneered the creation of ARC20 tokens, which are interchangeable tokens on the Bitcoin network.

The ARC20 protocol is an interchangeable colored coin standard supported by Satoshi, it is another type of asset protocol integrated into the Bitcoin network with an aim to provide a more efficient and flexible way to create and manage digital assets. Similar to BRC20, the ARC20 protocol also supports the creation of various types of tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain.

The Bitcoin start-up ecosystem is currently in an experimental period in which each protocol is experimenting with new strategies to increase its visibility, leaving the eventual winner undetermined. ARC20 stands out as a notable actor in this investigation, showing the possibility of building interchangeable tokens via the Atomic protocol on the Bitcoin network.

The Synergy Between BRC-20 and ARC-20

While BRC-20 tokens focus on fungibility and are ideal for use in various decentralized applications, ARC-20 tokens bring a new level of tokenization by representing ownership of tangible assets. The combination of these two standards opens up possibilities for creating decentralized financial instruments, facilitating the seamless transfer of ownership, and enhancing the overall efficiency of blockchain ecosystems.

The Role SuperEx is Playing

SuperEx is establishing a comprehensive BTC ecosystem layout and a robust service framework to enable broader user participation in the BRC-20 evolution,

Superex is pioneering the creation of the first all-in-one solution for BRC-20 on the internet, crafting a comprehensive BTC ecosystem structure and a resilient service framework to facilitate broader user involvement in the BRC-20 development.

So while other exchanges are just functioning as retail outlets, SuperEx will be a department store, providing a diverse array of services under the BRC 20 standard.

Break down of SuperEx’s All-In-One Solution

1. SuperEx progressively introduces a range of BRC-20 tokens, enabling users to freely trade any BRC-20 token on their platform. This stands in contrast to other exchanges that typically list only popular coins.

2. Similar to the all-encompassing services provided by an automobile 4S shop (sale, spare part, service, survey), SuperEx pledges to offer one-stop services for BRC-20 participants. Currently, it is the sole exchange globally committed to providing such comprehensive services for BRC-20.

SuperEx launched the trading of the PIPE/USDT pair on November 4, 2023, marking the first instance of an internet exchange launching a trading pair for PIPE.

The BRC-20 tokens unveiled on November 7, 2023, include sats, btcs, grok, lion, ibtc, oxbt, fish, fram, stas, and foxes.

In the near future, Bitcoin standards like BRC-20 and ARC-20 will play a great role in defining how tokens are created, managed, and utilized. BRC-20 tokens provide fungibility and interoperability, while ARC-20 tokens bridge the gap between digital and physical assets. As these standards continue to evolve, they contribute to the maturation of blockchain technology, offering innovative solutions for decentralized finance and asset tokenization.

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