The SuperEx Super Chain!

SuperEX Nigeria
6 min readJun 23, 2023


SCS Chain is a decentralized, energy-efficient public blockchain. that is compatible with smart contracts, supports high-performance transactions, and has low transaction costs, low transaction latency, and high transaction concurrency.

The SCS Chain, developed by SRC-20, is set to be a revolutionary blockchain ecosystem that tackles the challenges of scalability and security. It offers an efficient and sustainable solution, capable of supporting up to 5,000 transactions per second (TPS). This high throughput ensures that Web3 applications can operate at their full potential, all while keeping costs remarkably low.

How the SCS chain works

consensus mechanism

The SCS chain introduces a new consensus mechanism called Proof of Stake (PoS) to replace the existing Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism. In PoS, participants, so-called validators, secure the network and create new blocks by staking SCS tokens. This move to PoS brings several benefits, including improved network security, reduced power consumption, and faster block verification and transaction processing. Through internal calculations, the SCS chain achieves a staggering block generation time of around 3 seconds using the PoS consensus.

Cross-chain compatibility

As the smart contract ecosystem evolves towards multi-chain applications, the use of blockchain is expanding beyond a single network, encompassing various distributed ledgers and building a larger ecosystem.

The Super Smart Chain Mainnet (SCS Chain) provides compatibility with major public chains, enabling fast and low-cost cross-chain transfers for users involved in decentralized applications and asset circulation. This interoperability gives users access to a vast ecosystem covering numerous use cases.

Ethereum compatibility

To leverage Ethereum’s mature applications and community, SCS Chain will remain compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and the existing smart contract and DApp ecosystem. This compatibility means that all his Ethereum-based DApps, ecosystem components, and tools can be used on the SCS chain with little or no modification. Developers can seamlessly migrate their projects to their SCS chain and benefit from its scalability and performance improvements without requiring a complete architectural overhaul.

Essentially, SCS Chain allows developers to create projects without significant learning costs.

Sharding technology

To improve scalability, SCS Chain has integrated sharding technology. The system achieves parallelism by dividing the SCS network into smaller units called shards, each of which can process transactions and execute smart contracts independently. This approach greatly increases the capacity of the network, allowing it to process more transactions simultaneously.

The SCS chain operates through the PoS consensus mechanism, provides cross-chain compatibility, maintains compatibility with Ethereum, and implements sharding technology to improve scalability. These capabilities provide developers and users with a powerful blockchain platform that combines security, interoperability, and high-performance capabilities to drive innovation and enable diverse use cases.

One of the key features of SCS Chain is the ability to create and deploy smart contracts. This ensures compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and the existing smart contract and decentralized application (DApp) ecosystems. This compatibility allows seamless migration of Ethereum tools and DApps to the SCS chain. Developers and users can leverage their existing knowledge and resources and benefit from the scalability and security improvements of the SCS Chain while also benefiting from the ease of use and functionality of the Ethereum ecosystem.

The SCS Token

SCS Chain has implemented an updated economic model that provides rewards to validators who secure the network and participate in the consensus process. These validators are incentivized with SCS tokens, which play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.

SCS serves as the native token of the SCS Chain ecosystem, with a total initial supply of 1 billion tokens. However, the economic model includes a deflationary mechanism that gradually reduces the token supply to 200 million over time. This deflationary feature ensures a controlled decrease in token availability, which can potentially contribute to the long-term value appreciation of SCS tokens.

In addition to SCS tokens, there is also TSCS, a token specific to the Super Smart Chain Testnet. The Testnet utilizes TSCS tokens as fuel for deploying and testing smart contracts on the test network. The total supply of TSCS tokens for the Testnet is set at 200 million. These tokens are used exclusively within the Testnet environment and enable developers and users to experiment and fine-tune their applications before deploying them on the live SCS Chain.

Both TSCS and SCS tokens are planned to be listed as independent trading pairs on cryptocurrency exchanges. This listing will provide users with the opportunity to trade and exchange these tokens with other cryptocurrencies, promoting liquidity and accessibility within the broader blockchain community.

Overall, the introduction of the SCS token and the deflationary mechanism, along with the availability of TSCS tokens for Testnet purposes, contribute to the sustainable growth and utility of the SCS Chain ecosystem, while also creating opportunities for token holders and participants in the network.

Opportunities for Developers

The SCS Chain offers a multitude of opportunities and possibilities for developers within its open-source ecosystem. Here are key actions that developers can take advantage of:

1. Build Scalable DApps: Leveraging the sharding capabilities of the SCS Chain, developers can create decentralized applications (DApps) capable of handling large user bases and high transaction volumes. By utilizing multiple shards, developers can design and deploy DApps that scale effectively, ensuring a seamless user experience even during peak demand periods.

2. Improved Performance: With the enhanced consensus mechanism and network architecture of the SCS Chain, developers can create DApps with faster transaction confirmation and execution times. This opens up opportunities for real-time applications, high-frequency trading, gaming, and other use cases that require near-instant responsiveness.

3. Lower transaction costs:

Increased scalability of the SCS chain reduces congestion and transaction fees. Developers can build low-cost he DApps that appeal to a wider audience by lowering transaction fees and making microtransactions and small transfers more convenient and accessible.

4. Optimize resource efficiency.

The design and architecture of the SCS chain focus on optimizing energy consumption and resource efficiency. By emphasizing the ecological character of their applications, developers can meet the growing demand for sustainable and socially responsible solutions.

5. Migrate existing DApps.

SCS Chain will remain compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), existing smart contracts, and his DApp ecosystem. Developers can seamlessly migrate projects to their SCS chain and benefit from its scalability and performance improvements without requiring a complete overhaul of the application.

6. Join as a validator.

To ensure the successful operation and development of the SCS chain network, the first project team will initially act as validators on behalf of the SCS chain. Once the network matures, a developer can use her SCS token to become a validator. By participating in consensus and securing the network, validators can earn additional rewards. This allows developers to actively contribute to and benefit from the SCS chain ecosystem. 7. Contribute to the SCS chain infrastructure.

SCS Chain is an open-source project that welcomes contributions from developers. Whether improving client implementations, developing new tools and libraries, or suggesting protocol upgrades, developers can actively participate in our SCS Chain community and shape the future of the network.

8. Discover new use cases.

The increased scalability and performance of the SCS chain make it suitable for a wider range of use cases. Developers can explore decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFT), supply chains, and various other areas to unleash their creativity and innovation on the SCS Chain platform.

By providing a robust infrastructure and removing scalability and security limitations, SCS Chain opens up new opportunities for innovation and growth in the blockchain space. It provides an environment in which developers can build powerful distributed applications with the confidence that their applications will run efficiently and securely. Additionally, SCS chains have low transaction costs, making them an attractive option for businesses and individuals looking for a cost-effective solution to their blockchain needs.

SCS Chain represents a major advancement in blockchain technology, offering a scalable and secure ecosystem that benefits both developers and users. Its ability to support high volumes of transactions, remain compatible with the Ethereum ecosystem, and provide a cost-effective solution makes it a promising platform for the future of Web3 applications.

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