Live Is Having More Than a Moment

Charley Miller
3 min readFeb 10, 2017


And How TouchCast Brings The Moment To The Enterprise

In March of 2016, friend and technologist Tarikh Korula published a piece on TechCrunch called Live Is Having a Moment about the movement towards live expression. He nailed it when he explained:

Live media is the most dynamic category of mobile storytelling developing today because it’s fast, immersive and consumable in the palm of your hand. It’s everything we love (and occasionally hate) about the internet — immediate, first person, and chaotic as hell. And it’s changing the way we connect with the world’s stories because it’s creating new ways to experience and participate in real-world events.

Almost a year later, let’s admit this moment is expanding. It’s the Big Bang for anyone to participate in the connected world IN THE NOW. As it relates to video, this means everyone is a broadcaster. Live video transports your eyes and ears across continents to the scene of the action, providing immediacy and intimacy with the subject like never before.

When you think ‘live video’ you probably think of live streaming in apps like Periscope (Twitter), Facebook and YouTube — apps aimed at the general public. Yet when you think about the enterprise and corporate communication, you should think about TouchCast. You also probably relate ‘live streams’ as flat, static video where, as a viewer, you sit back and enjoy the show. Yet when you think about TouchCast, you should think about Smart Video.

What’s the TouchCast difference? Five years and a lot of sweat later, at TouchCast we’ve learned what global companies need: better tools for collaboration, expression, and general communication. Using our DNA of developing the world’s most powerful, real-time interactive video compositor (TouchCast Studio for iPad), we’ve added the ability to live stream straight from this iPad app… complementing the tools already available like green screen background replacement, teleprompter, and multi-camera switching. And oh yes, anyone can easily add html (like this Medium webpage), files or media to inside the video frame without needing prior experience with coding or video editing. It’s simple and it’s powerful and it’s why Apple and Accenture promote our tools to enterprise companies all over the world.

That’s a long way of saying that the TouchCast difference is Smart Video — the webpages, files and media you share through the video is just as interactive for the viewer as it was for the video author. Download the file, engage the webpage or share the video-inside-the-video. Impress your boss by Placing the deck you created in PowerPoint or Keynote into TouchCast Studio and present like you’ve never presented before. You can begin to understand why so many C-Level executives now use TouchCast for their memos instead of email.

So back to the ability to live stream now inside TouchCast Studio: take all that I described and now add the power of the NOW. That CIO isn’t just inviting employees from around the world to watch a video — she is inviting them to share a moment as it happens. The difference is simple: recorded gets polished but live is live… it’s authentic and it’s human. The immediacy and intimacy of live video connects with others unlike any form. And when it’s Smart Video powered by TouchCast, you can be sure it will be engaging.

Private, secure and powerful: TouchCast Studio with live streaming is offered to all of our partners as of this week. If you want to learn more, don’t hesitate to contact us. And in the spirit of drinking our own Kool Aid, we’ll be demoing the app via live stream often.

See you in the moment!



Charley Miller

Game Designer + Tech Producer + Chaser of the Derby Superfecta... leading the product called TouchCast.