How to Make Your First $1000 on Medium in 90 Days

7 min readMar 20, 2024


Uncover the Medium Goldmine: Learn the Secrets to Making Money Writing Online


It may seem unbelievable, but it is possible! In this blog post, I will show you how to do it.

Whether you are a beginner on Medium or already have some experience, this post will give you useful tips and tricks to increase your earnings.

Here are the topics I will cover:

  • How to choose a writing topic that can make you money
  • How to write engaging articles that people want to read
  • How to build a following of loyal readers
  • How to monetize your writing with the Medium Partner Program and other methods

Are you ready to get started?

How to Choose a Writing Topic That Can Make You Money on Medium

There are countless topics you can write about on Medium, but if you want to make money with your articles, it’s important to choose a topic that has market value.

Here are a few tips for choosing a topic:

Think about your passions and interests. What do you enjoy writing about? What topics do you feel comfortable with?

Do market research. See what topics are popular on Medium. What articles do people read a lot?

Look for niche topics. Don’t try to compete with the big guns. Instead, look for a topic that doesn’t have a lot of competition but is in demand.

Think about your target audience. Who are you writing for? What interests them?

Here are some examples of promising topics on Medium:

  • Self-improvement: Productivity, time management, goal setting, stress management
  • Finance: Investing, saving, retirement planning, debt management
  • Health and wellness: Nutrition, fitness, mental health
  • Relationships: Relationships, parenting, communication
  • Technology: Software development, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency
  • Creativity: Writing, painting, music, design

It’s important to remember that choosing a topic is just the first step. To be a successful writer, you need to provide quality content, not just a good topic.

Here are a few tips for writing quality content:

  • Write engagingly. Your articles should be informative, entertaining, and inspiring.
  • Use strong language and powerful sentences.
  • Format your text. Use headings, subheadings.
  • Do keyword research. Find the right keywords for your topic and use them in your title, throughout your paragraphs, and in your meta description. This will help people find your article in search engines.
  • Be consistent. Consistency is key to success. Write new articles regularly to keep your readers engaged.

How to Write Engaging Articles That People Want to Read

There are millions of articles on Medium, but not all of them will capture the attention of readers. If you want people to read and enjoy your articles, you need to write engaging content.

Here are a few tips for writing engaging articles:

1. Start with a strong introduction:

The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and entice them to read further. Use strong language, powerful sentences, and ask an interesting question.

2. Tell a story:

People love stories. If you build your article around a story, readers will be able to relate to it better and remember your message better.

3. Use vivid language:

Avoid clichés and jargon. Use vivid language that will keep the reader’s attention.

4. Format your text well:

Use headings, subheadings, lists, and paragraphs to make your article easy to read.

5. Illustrate your article:

Images, videos, and infographics help readers understand your message better and make your article more visually appealing.

6. Be passionate:

If you are passionate about your topic, it will show in your writing. Readers will be more likely to connect with your message if they feel that you believe in it yourself.

7. Be original:

Don’t copy other people’s work. Tell your own story and share your own thoughts.

8. Edit your article carefully:

Before publishing your article, read it through carefully and correct any errors.

9. Be patient:

It takes time to build a following. Don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep writing quality content.

10. Be open to feedback:

Ask for feedback on your articles from others and be open to criticism. Feedback can help you improve and make your articles better.

11. Promote your articles:

Don’t just write articles, but also promote them on social media, other websites, and forums.

12. Be consistent:

Consistency is key to success. Write new articles regularly to keep your readers engaged.


How to Build a Following of Loyal Readers

There are many talented writers on Medium, but not everyone succeeds in building a loyal following of readers. If you want to be successful on Medium, it’s not enough to just write good articles, you also need to actively build your audience.

Here are a few tips for building a following of loyal readers:

1. Write quality content:

This is the foundation of everything. If you write good articles, people will read them and come back for more.

2. Be consistent:

Publish new articles regularly to keep your readers engaged.

3. Be active on Medium:

Read and comment on other people’s articles, participate in discussions, and build relationships with other writers.

4. Use social media:

Promote your articles on social media to reach a wider audience.

5. Use an email list:

This is one of the best ways to stay in touch with your readers and notify them about your new articles.

Building your email list:

  • Tell people why they should subscribe to your email list. Explain what kind of valuable content they will get from you.
  • Offer them exclusive content. This could be a free ebook, guide, or even a private Facebook group.
  • Make it easy to subscribe. Put a subscription form on your website, blog, and social media profiles.
  • Be patient. It takes time to build a large email list. Don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately.

How to Monetize Your Writing with the Medium Partner Program and Other Methods

There are many talented writers on Medium, but not everyone succeeds in monetizing their writing. If you want to make money on Medium, it’s not enough to just write good articles, you also need to know about the platform’s monetization options.

Here are a few tips for monetizing your writing on Medium:

1. Join the Medium Partner Program:

The Medium Partner Program (MPP) allows writers to earn money from their articles. To join the program, you need to meet a few requirements, but if you’re accepted, the Medium Partner Program will pay you a commission for the reads on your articles.

2. Write about popular topics:

The key to monetization is writing about popular topics. If you write articles that many people read, you’re more likely to earn money.

3. Use affiliate links:

Affiliate links are a way to earn a commission when someone purchases through a link you share.

4. Write sponsored content:

Sponsored content is an article that a company pays for to have the writer promote their products or services.

5. Create online courses:

If you’re an expert in a particular topic, you can also create and sell online courses on Medium.

6. Write ebooks:

Ebooks are another great way to monetize your writing.

7. Collect Donations:

If you love what you do and feel that your readers appreciate your work, you can also collect donations from them. There are many platforms that can help you with fundraising, such as Patreon, Ko-fi, or PayPal.

Here are some additional tips for collecting donations:

  • Create a landing page: Explain why you are collecting donations and what you will use the money for.
  • Offer exclusive rewards for donors: This could be an ebook, a private Facebook group, or even a personal message.
  • Be transparent: Tell donors how you spent the money you raised.
  • Be grateful: Thank donors for their support.

If you love what you do and feel that your readers appreciate your work, you can also collect donations from them.

Remember, monetizing on Medium is not an easy task. It takes time to build a following and start earning money. But if you are persistent and willing to work hard, you can achieve your goals.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill

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I'm BestAntBest, and I'm glad to be here on Medium. Writing has always been my passion, and I want to share my thoughts and experiences with you.