The Secret Trick to Keeping Your Readers for More Than 30 Seconds…

2 min readMar 1, 2024


On Medium, the average reader only spends 30 seconds on a blog post. That means if you can’t grab their attention in the first few sentences, you’ve lost them.

But don’t worry!

There’s a secret trick to keeping your readers for more than 30 seconds.

The trick is this: write captivating introductions.

A captivating introduction:

Grabs the reader’s attention.

Promises to provide valuable information.

Is short and concise.

Here are some examples of captivating introductions:

“Did you know that the human brain remembers stories better than facts?”

“Do you want to make more money on Medium?”

“I solved the biggest problem with Medium (and you can too).”

How to write captivating introductions:

Use strong verbs. For example: “discover”, “learn”, “succeed”.

Be provocative, but not misleading.

For example: “Is Medium dead? Not necessarily!”

  • Signal that you will be sharing valuable information.

For example:

“In this post, I will share 5 tips on how to write captivating introductions.”

Use keywords that people might search for.

For example: “Medium, blogging, read ratio”.

  • Keep the introduction short and concise. Aim for no more than 3–4 sentences.

If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to writing captivating introductions and keeping your readers for more than 30 seconds.

Bonus tip:

In addition to writing a captivating introduction, you can also use other techniques to keep your readers engaged, such as:

Using images and videos.

Breaking up your text with subheadings.

Asking questions to get your readers involved.

Using humor and storytelling.

By following these tips, you can write blog posts that people will actually read and enjoy.

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I'm BestAntBest, and I'm glad to be here on Medium. Writing has always been my passion, and I want to share my thoughts and experiences with you.