Unveiling the Secrets of Medium! My Stats (Part 1)

5 min readMar 30, 2024



A Peek Behind the Curtain of Medium

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be successful on Medium?

How many followers do you need to make a decent living?

Is it possible to build a thriving community on this platform?

In this series, I’ll be sharing my own Medium stats, including:

Email subscribers

Number of followers

Total earnings

I’ll also be sharing the lessons I’ve learned along the way, including:

How to write engaging content

How to promote your work

How to build relationships with other writers

If you’re interested in learning more about Medium, this series is for you!

In the next part, I’ll be taking a deep dive into my follower count. Stay tuned!

Do you have any questions about Medium? Leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer them.

I hope you enjoy this series!

Email subscribers

On January 21st, 2024, someone shared a Medium blog post in my Facebook group.

After clicking on it, I didn’t really understand how it all worked. But that same day I registered and tried to soak up as much knowledge as possible. In January I had 4 subscribers.

I didn’t even know then how important subscribers are. I admit that in the first few days I made all the mistakes.

I didn’t stay on other people’s blog post pages for long enough.

I clapped randomly and didn’t really understand the importance of staying on someone else’s blog page for a while and giving the writer a proper appreciation comment.

In February, I still didn’t really pay attention to the importance of subscribers, but I was already trying to collect followers.

You will find a detailed analysis of this if you scroll down.

As you can see here, in February I already gained +24 email subscribers.

Now in March, I’m starting to really understand how important email subscribers are. In my opinion, they are more important than the number of followers.

As you can see, I have gained many more email subscribers this month, which I am very grateful for.

I would like to thank everyone who has subscribed to me and I will try my best to reward everyone who has subscribed to me.

And here you can see all the subscribers month by month in this picture.

Number of followers

As you can see here, I gained 228 followers in 9 days, which I think was a pretty good result, considering I didn’t really know what I was doing.

But let’s take a look at how my follower count developed in February.

Here I started to put in more effort and my follower count increased 7 times compared to January. At this point, I was already spending at least 4–6 hours a day on Medium.

And here are the follower numbers for March. I must add that, like any active Medium member, it took a lot of work on my part to produce these numbers.

This month, with the exception of a few days, I spent more than 8 hours a day on Medium. Of course, not all at once, but spread out as I had time alongside my work.

These were detailed breakdowns of my followers month by month.

Stay tuned and keep reading because now comes what I think everyone is most interested in: how much I’ve earned on Medium so far.

Total earnings

As I mentioned, January was my best month in terms of earnings, even though I didn’t really believe it was possible to make any money on Medium at first.

I was quite negative about it, but I admit that when I saw that I had earned 0.01 cents one day, I was very happy. Because I saw for myself that it was actually possible.

So, as you can see, I earned $2.25 in 9 days. Personally, I considered this to be a pretty good result.

In February, I already had a goal set: to earn $100. Let’s see how much I actually made…

98.99… Almost there… I was just $1.01 short of $100.

Do you think I was sad?

No, I wasn’t.

On the contrary, I was very happy because my earnings were 43 times higher than in January.

My new goal for March was to reach $300. The month is not over yet, but let’s see where I am now, 2 days before the end…

As you can see, I am $20 short of my goal, but I am positive that I will reach $300 in March. The last image shows the summary.

In summary:

  • In January, I earned $2.25 in 9 days.
  • In February, my goal was $100, and I earned $98.99.
  • In March, my goal is $300, and 2 days before the end of the month, I have earned $280.

My goal for April is to earn $600.


It is possible to make money on Medium.

Hard work and perseverance pay off.

It is important to set goals and track your progress.

Looking ahead:

I will continue to work hard to increase my earnings on Medium.

I will experiment with new content types.

I will focus more on marketing and promotion.

Please comment below if you would like to see a continuation of this story. And if you enjoyed it,

please give me 50 claps.

Thank you for your attention!




I'm BestAntBest, and I'm glad to be here on Medium. Writing has always been my passion, and I want to share my thoughts and experiences with you.