3 challenges to overwrite your mindset.

Superhero Mindset
4 min readOct 12, 2019


Good afternoon guys. I will present you 3 amazing challenges that can lead to a beast-mindset and to big physical and psychological improvements.

1. Challenge: The cold shower challenge.

The cold shower challenge is the first one I’ll present you. I am doing it at the moment and I am not sure whether I love it or hate it. It is about taking a cold shower every day for 5 to 10 minutes. But why should you do it? There are plenty of proven physiological benefits those cold showers could bring. In the following you have some examples:

1. Increased alertness and awakeness

2. Improved muscle recovery

3. Improved circulation

4. Easing of stress

5. Increased testosterone

6. Improving sleep

Why the cold shower challenge changes your mindset.

There is one specific reason, why everybody of you should do this challenge and this is the psychological benefit. There are not many people who like taking cold showers, so it is a kind of uncomfortable thing to do. You get up in the morning and your first task is to take that damn cold shower. Your body and your head will fight against this decision of turning the knob all the way to cold. So you have to fight against yourself to take that shower to pass this challenge, which is not very hard but can prepare your mind for bigger tasks.

Simply said, this challenge trains your mind to leave the comfort zone.

2. challenge: Intermitted fasting

I like trying new things especially when it comes to nutrition and diet. Intermitted fasting is about a change of your eating-timing. You have 16 hours a day without food and 8 where you can eat. It is based on our ancestors, which went hunting or collecting in the first hours of today and in the evening they ate what they found over the day. In the first hours of the day they were hungry and that gave them power. The recommended timing is:

22:00 to 06:00 sleep

06:00 to 14:00 fasting

14:00 to 15:00 little snack

15:00 to 17:00 sports

17:00 to 22:00 eating anything you want. Nevertheless, watch your overall calorie intake.

Of course, you do not have to do sports to enjoy the benefits of this challenge but it is a good addition, especially when your goal is losing weight.

The benefits can be:

Increased fat loss

Increased alertness due to hunger

Increased satisfaction after eating

Mental challenge due to hunger in the first hours

Learning new things of your body

This challenge is more likely something for the fitness people but I recommend everybody of you to try this out. It will challenge you but, if you do it right it will definitely have advantages.

I also highly recommend that if you want to try this seriously you read another article which covers more details about this topic.

3. challenge: The nofab challenge

Yes, I seriously brought you the nofab challenge. For those who do not know the details, it is about quitting masturbation for 30 days. I mean masturbation not sex because everybody with a partner: “Your better half needs you in the bed, so you are out.”

Masturbation is the most extreme form of temporary pleasure. It’s just a moment of good feelings with no lasting benefits at all. Try out quitting. Depending on what lifestyle and testosterone level you have in general, you will recognize the changes very soon and extremely clear.

The effects are:

Increased alertness due to lack of sexual pleasure

Increased confidence due to higher testosterone levels

Increased muscle growth and recovery

Increased physical power

Improved handling of woman due to confidence

This challenge is the one with the most instant and most powerful recognizable change. Give it a try.

So, I hope you found a new challenge for you to change your life a little. Because life is all about change, trying and applying new habits, learning and improving every day and all about challenging yourself.

Now, go out and shine.

Please put anything you think I could improve in the comments, especially language mistakes. Thank you.

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Superhero Mindset

Blogger for following topics: Mental Growth, Self-Developing and Fitness