Why your mindset and motivation matters, when it comes to physical power.

Superhero Mindset
4 min readSep 19, 2019


Hi, welcome to my article, I hope you’ll enjoy it.

In this article I will discuss the effects of the right mindset and of high motivation to your body and your physical power as well as your performance in sports. Lets get started.

Your emotions control your body.

It is not only a spiritual thing, that you are better when you are motivated. A much bigger part of this, has to do with biology and science.

This correlation is easily explained with the process of crying. Usually you cannot control your tears, if you suddenly hear very sad news or as a child when you fell, you start crying. You cannot control it, because it is a natural reaction of your body to your mood. You cannot change your body’s reaction to your emotions but you can try to change your emotions.

So, another example, just imagine your boy or girlfriend leaves you for somebody else. At first it is very hard for everybody, who was really in love. But then, after some time there are 2 main options or ways to go:

1. You look at your old pictures of your ex all the time and think of the nearly perfect times together.

Effect: You force your body to have bad emotions, which result in tears and crying

2. You don’t look back and you take that girl or boy, which left you, as a motivation to reach your goals, you forget this person and you do the things you had no time for in the last month or years.

Effect: I guarantee you, that if you go this way, your body will react a whole lot different.

The Correlation to your physical power

Now, that you understand the effect of emotions a little bit more, we continue to the physical power, the main topic of this article.

Your Emotions have a big influence to your body, your cells and muscles. Whenever you are motivated to get something done, or to do something, you have more power, than if you were sad or tired in the exact same situation.

That is, because the amount of muscle fibers which your body can activate, depends on the electrical signals your nerves transfer from your brain to your muscles. Depending on your emotional status, and a whole lot of other factors, this amount of electrical signals vary, which leads to a variation in muscle activation.

This is the biological secret behind this fascinating phenomenon, explained in a very easy way.

Excuses are ONLY made in your head

Excuses have nothing to do with your muscles and their connections to your brain. They ONLY have to do with your brain and that’s why you can turn the wishes of your brain, to just skip that leg day, off.

It is only a mindset question, but it depends on your motivation and your will. No it defines your motivation and will.

If you find your dream girl, and she is about to leave you because of some bullshit you did wrong, would you let her go without fighting? No definitely not because you want her so bad, and you try everything to correct your mistake.

From now on, every time you think of excuses or why not going to the gym or doing other sports, ask yourself what this excuse tells yourself about your will to reach that dream body or to get successful in other areas. You cannot say “I do everything I can, but today it rains and I could get sick, so I don’t go running” NO, just fucking no. Either you do everything possible or not.

Stop making excuses. It will train your mind every time you say to yourself: “I don’t want to work out today, and it is cold and dark outside, and I want to go to that party, but I won’t, because that goal and the work I have to do to reach it is more important, no fucking matter what.” You will turn into a beast, with every time you say no to your excuses.

All in All

I hope you understand the correlation and the connection between your emotions and your power, physically and mentally.

And I really hope you enjoyed the article. It is one of the first ones I wrote in English and I appreciate every mistake you tell me about. Every critic will help me to become a better author.

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Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day.

Now, go out there and shine!



Superhero Mindset

Blogger for following topics: Mental Growth, Self-Developing and Fitness