Charlie Gleason
1 min readJun 2, 2017


Hey Logan! Chuffed to hear you’re trying this out with react-router on Heroku. It will take a little bit more finessing.

You’ll need add a fallback_index_html to your ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def fallback_index_html
render :file => 'public/index.html'

And at the bottom of your routes.rb:

get '*path', to: "application#fallback_index_html", constraints: ->(request) do
!request.xhr? && request.format.html?

That way Rails will pass anything it doesn’t match to your index.html so that react-router can take over.

Hope that helps, and thanks for taking the time to check out the walkthrough.



Charlie Gleason

A thirty-something with feelings, interested in outer space and the acquisition and distribution of high fives.