Top 10 Mobile App Development Outsourcing CompaniesFinding the best mobile app development company for your project might turn out to be a real challenge these days, mainly because the…Jul 29, 2020Jul 29, 2020
Bring your project to UkraineWhen it comes to outsourcing IT part of some business there is always a great deal of questions popping up: where to go, which…Jun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020
FireStore: to Get or Forget?Firebase is a Google platform that has multiple features in it. Those are Analytics, Performance Tracking, Firestore DB, Crashlytics…May 27, 2020May 27, 2020
How to implement an EmptyState for RecyclerViewSome months ago, on my previous project, I faced the task: to implement an empty state for RecyclerView. And in this article, I want to…Apr 22, 2020Apr 22, 2020
How to use a Mind Map?Have you ever been in a situation where an important exam or test is coming soon, and all you know is only the name of the lecturer? I…Apr 15, 2020Apr 15, 2020
How to Protect Your Mental Health During Quarantine?Today, more people are getting the opportunity to work from home. Some of them can’t imagine their life without face to face communication…Apr 2, 2020Apr 2, 2020
Android vs iOS App Development: What To Choose For Your ProjectWhen mapping out a mobile app, choosing an OS is one of the first decisions the development team needs to make. At first glance, it seems…Mar 27, 2020Mar 27, 2020
How to work from home for a long time and not go mad?The smartest thing we can all do right now — stay at home. Many companies, and we also, have moved their workers to work from home.Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
Software Development For Startups: How To Start and What Pitfalls To AvoidThe startup culture is fast-paced, dynamic, and constantly evolving. To stay competitive, C-level managers need to innovate, scale, and…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020