6 Dangerous People Every New Writer/Blogger Should Avoid

Super Niche Sites
6 min readJun 30, 2022

When you are a new aspiring writer or blogger trying to grow a business it will be extremely hard. You have to learn many new skills, start new habits, and learn how to constantly build out your new business.

But if you don’t avoid these 6 dangerous people your life as a new writer/blogger will become far more difficult… and if you listen to them it might make you give up before you’ve even started.

But who are these 6 dangerous people?

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1. The Doubters

All of us have doubters in our lives. Those doubters might be family, they might be friends, they might even be your spouse.

Doubters often don’t mean bad with their words of “advice” but they can be dangerous if you allow them to cause you to give up or never start.

When I first started my e-commerce business (which I ran for over a decade) I had a doubter in my family. Every time I went to their house they would ask how my “little eBay business” was going.

The fact that my business wasn’t on eBay didn’t seem to make a difference to them.

They were constantly talking down about my new “little” business and truthfully it was quite discouraging and upsetting (especially at the beginning).



Super Niche Sites

My name is Matt. I love blogging and love helping others learn how to blog. Support Me Via: https://medium.com/@supernichesites/membership