SRB RAREnomics & ESDT Token ($RARE) Distribution (V3)

Rare Bears
8 min readJul 16, 2022


SRB RAREnomics & ESDT Token ($RARE) Distribution

Table of Content

1. RARE token reasoning & usecase

2. Potential usecase

3. Token distribution

4. NFT & ESDT staking

5. Brand growth and exposure

6. Development

7. Team

8. NFT staking explained

9. The pools

◉ SRB pool

◉ ULTRAs pool

◉ High Rank pool

◉ BEAR and MICE pool

◉ Special Trait Pool

◉ Abominations/ Abominator Pool

◉ SEEDs pool

Additional pools

Excess Pool RARE distribution

10. Bootstrapping RARE with Initial LKMEX backing

11. LKMEX swap, Burn and distribution mechanism

12. $RARE staking

13. DAO wallet

SuperRareBear RAREnomics & ESDT Token ($RARE) Distribution

Name: RARE

Ticker: $RARE

ID RARE-99e8b0

Max supply: 99,999,999

  1. RARE token reasoning & usecase

Often tokens are created not out of necessity, but just because they can be. $RARE is different and will play a vital role within the SRB and hopefully the NFT ecosystem as a whole.

Our $RARE token will have utility, no presale or IDO & can be earned by staking & rewards.

2. Potential usecase

  • Merchandise
  • Gaming/Metaverse currency/ Rewards
  • NFT minting
  • Governance (to be explored)

3. Token distribution

Max Supply: 99,999,999

  • NFT and ESDT staking (79.96% or 79,959,916 $RARE)
  • Brand Growth and Exposure (7.5% or 7,500,000 $RARE)
  • Development (7.5% or 7,500,000 $RARE)
  • Team (5% or 4,999,999 $RARE)
  • DAO wallet (0.04% or 40,084 $RARE)

4. NFT & ESDT staking

The majority of $RARE allocation will be used for NFT & ESDT STAKING 79,959,916 million, with NFT staking taking priority.

Below in the Excel spreadsheet (fig.1) you will see the 10- year NFT Staking plan rewards paid in ESDT. How the pools operate will be made clear later on.

10-year NFT Staking plan (Fig.1)

Note*: 2024 and 2028 leap years

5. Brand growth and exposure

These funds are used primarily for marketing purposes to bring awareness to the SRB brand. This can include contests, advertising, events and general exposure.

7,500,000 $RARE tokens have been allocated for this purpose distributed over the course of 5 years with 1,500,000 $RARE being distributed yearly.

Year 1

600,000 $RARE upon launch

225,000 $RARE per quarter

Year 2–5

375,000 $RARE per quarter

6. Development

These funds are used for development and research, including upgrades to existing infrastructure, expansion into other areas, gaming, metaverse, security and other technological advances.

7,500,000 $RARE tokens have been allocated for this purpose distributed over the course of 5 years with 1,500,000 $RARE being distributed yearly.

Year 1

600,000 $RARE upon launch

225,000 $RARE per quarter

Year 2–5

375,000 $RARE per quarter

7. Team

These funds are used primarily to reward members of the team and other freelance work that may be needed.

4,999,999 $RARE tokens have been allocated for this purpose with a one-year vesting period from launch date and there after a quarterly release for 4 years.

8. NFT staking explained

You hold one of our, or our partners NFTs and want to be rewarded for doing so, right? This is where our NFT staking comes in with some unique attributes.

When you stake your NFTs are sent to a smart contract where they will earn a certain amount of $RARE per day. Security is one of the highest priorities to us and you can ensure that everything will be thoroughly tested.

9. The pools

  • SRB pool

This pool is for every SRB NFT (not ULTRAs)

SRB staking:

Max supply: 9,000 NFTs

1 $RARE per NFT per day (full pool)

Daily max: 9,000 $RARE

Note: Calculation is for the 1st year.

If the number of Bears in the pool is less than the maximum then the excess will be subject to the Excess Pool distribution mechanism detailed later.


4,000 SRB in the pool

9,000–4,000 = 5000 $RARE

So, in this case 5000 $RARE will be subject to the Excess pool RARE distribution.

All NFT pools emissions will decrease by 50% every 2 years ensuring longevity of staking while rewarding early supporters.

  • ULTRAs pool

There are 137 ULTRA SRB NFTs that can be recognized by their diamond in the lower right corner and from the traits displayed on market places.

ULTRAs staking:

Max supply: 137 NFTs

14 $RARE per NFT per day (full pool)

Daily max: 1,918 $RARE

Like SRB the number of ULTRAs in the pool will determine the amount that will be subject to the Excess pool RARE distribution.

  • High Rank Pool

This pool is to reward SRB with Ranks 138–1000 according to the Rarity Sniper rankings

For years 1 & 2 Bears in this pool will earn 2 $RARE per day with the amount halving every 2 years.

  • BEAR and MICE pool

This pool offers staking in pairs with both a SRB NFT and our partner MICECITYCLUB and their MICE NFT.

Bear and Mice staking:

Max Pairs: 8,000 (Mice supply)

3 $RARE per pair per day

Daily max: 24,000 $RARE

The rewards are fixed per staking pair to 3 RARE and the excess will be subject to the Excess pool RARE distribution.

For example: if there are 100 or 8000 pairs in the pool you will still earn 3 $RARE for your Bear & MICE combo.

  • Special Trait Pool

You may have noticed that SuperRareBears has a massive amount of traits (over 670).

So instead of extra rewards for rarity we decided to reward them.

To do this there will be a randomly selected trait (possibly multiple) that will be able to earn extra rewards every 2 weeks in this pool.

Special trait staking:

Max supply: 500 NFTs

3 $RARE per NFT per day (full pool)

Daily max: 1,500 $RARE

Like SRB, the number of Bears in the pool will determine the amount that will be subject to the Excess pool RARE distribution.

One of the aims of this pool is to stimulate trading and rewarding of proactive community members.

  • Abominations/ Abominator pool

Abominators are an animated NFT of a syringe, that will be used in the future to “mutate” a SRB and form a new collection called Abominations.

During this process the Abominator will be destroyed and the SRB will remain intact.

Abomination staking:

Max supply: 3,999 NFTs

3 $RARE per NFT per day

Daily max: 11,997 $RARE

Note:This pool will not be active for at least 6 months after Staking pools are enabled. Calculation above is for the 1st year.

It’s possible that extra pools will be created for Abominations in the future.

Again, the number of Bears in the pool will determine the amount that will be subject to the Excess pool RARE distribution.

  • SEEDs pool

SEEDs is SRB own Incubator project, a collection of 2000 unique artworks created combining classical art work with artificial intelligence.

Seeds staking:

Max supply 2,000 NFTs

0.5 $RARE per NFT per day

Daily max: 1,000 $RARE

In the future it is entirely possible to alter the pools, add new elements and characteristics, the world and technological environment adapts and we need to be able to adapt with it.

  • Additional pools

A wallet will be created for the purpose of creating additional pools. 5,500,000 $RARE will be allocated initially, with 10% of all $RARE from LKMEX swaps being added.

These can include partner NFTs, Booster projects, rarity and other traits within the SRB/ Abomination collection.

  • Excess Pool RARE distribution

All pools will have a burn and distribution mechanism for the excess $RARE which is not paid to Stakers.

  • 50% for new pools
  • 29% ESDT staking
  • 20% Burn
  • 1% DAO

For example, in the SRB pool 9000 $RARE per day is paid out if 9000 Bears are staked.

If 7000 are staked the 2000 $RARE excess would be distributed like this:

  • 1000 $RARE (50%) to new pools
  • 580 $RARE (29 %) to ESDT staking
  • 400 $RARE (20%) Burned
  • 20 $RARE (1%) DAO wallet

This mechanism allows for a healthy balance between all pools, allows us to create more pools or expand on the current ones, rewards holders and lowers supply.

10. Bootstrapping RARE with Initial LKMEX backing

The plan is to back RARE tokens initially (6 months) with rewards from the farm.

An initial liquidity amount of 200 million LKMEX will be added to the LKMEX swap and a buy order set to buy $RARE for LKMEX.

The initial ratio will be 100 LKMEX to 1 RARE, this should set the floor price and of course anyone is free make other P2P offers they wish. It’s possible this ratio can increase depending on the amount of people using the swap.

If we look at the above table you can see rewards used to back the RARE drop will drop on a week-to-week basis. The idea is to initially bootstrap the process with the farm rewards and in 6 months $RARE should already have several usecases and will have found its own value. Values are of course estimated and it depends entirely on the amount of rewards the farms produce.

11. LKMEX swap, Burn and distribution mechanism

When someone initiates a swap with their $RARE ESDT for LKMEX in our pools, we will burn 78% of the amount, 10% will be used for $RARE ESDT staking, 10% will be saved in a separate wallet for future additional pools and 2% will be added to DAO wallet.

12. $RARE staking

An initial allocation of 4,278,855 RARE is made available for $RARE ESDT staking.

In addition to this 10% of $RARE swapped in the LKMEX/RARE swap will be added as well as 20% from the excess pool distribution mechanism.

13. DAO wallet

DAO wallet will not be fully functional until governance procedures are established. However, an initial amount of 40,084 $RARE and 2% of the $RARE to LKMEX swaps will be captured to be ready for when governance is in full force. 1% of excess pool RARE will be also be added to the DAO wallet

That concludes V3 of SRB RAREnomics for $RARE token, please keep in mind that things may be subject to change but we aim to keep things as close to the original outlay as possible.

We appreciate any constructive feedback so please feel free to join our channels or private message us.

Always bullish!

