Ark Trivia Results

2 min readMar 14, 2020

After a number of entries with quite a few interesting answers, the results of the trivia are below.


First place: 500 Ark

No winners. :(

Second place: 150 Ark

Highjhacker (TGH) - 11 correct answers (didn’t get the last question correct).

Trivia Answers

Question 1: Which delegate could you count on for being mistaken as a medical professional?

Answer: Dr10. ‘Count’ was a clue to the number 10.

Question 2: Which team member shares a name with a current or past delegate? (M)

Answer: Travis, Rok were two correct ones.

Question 3: Who sports a username on Slack that is also shared with an element on the periodic table?

Answer: Tin. Titanium was also accepted.

Question 4: Who traveled for hours to buy a hotdog using Ark?

Answer: Justin from the team, as documented in one of his Ark Adventure videos.

Question 5: Lives on an island, likes to be on a board, sees things many do not. Often found on slack.(M)

Answer: Pleiadian was the primary answer for this for living in NZ, being on the ACF & for his UFO sightings. Others were also accepted such as Mauidude.

Question 6: Has a username on Reddit which suggests they like to hold large metal discs?

Answer: Gonggrabber

Question 7: Who is the longest forging delegate currently in the top 51?

Answer: Bioly. This can be confirmed via explorer.

Question 8: Which team member provided a tool that allows you to generate a custom Ark address if you’re feeling a little vain?

Answer: Alex, see

Question 9: A developer involved with Ark that might be pressed to use nitrous in his car?

Answer: Dean from nOS, not Travis Walker which seemed like an obvious choice. ‘Pressed’ was a nod to ‘@deanpress’ his twitter handle.

Question 10: Beginning with M, a late community member that was once a part of the Magnificent 7?

Answer: Michael, aka Michaelthecryptoguy. Sadly passed away last year from a traffic accident.

Question 11: Shirley Eaton walks with a crowd, who does she vote for?

Answer: The Golden Horde. Shirley Eaton was well known for being the golden girl in a Bond film.

Question 12: If Ark and Quark are dry, you might need to hurt your hands for this one.

Answer: Cactus1549, the delegate. The common word between Ark and Quark is ‘pool’ in reference to the delegates. If a pool is dry, you’re out of water. You can get water from a cactus.

