One on One with Winston Jordan

Tho Carrion
5 min readJul 29, 2016


Image courtesy of Winston Jordan
Image courtesy of Winston Jordan

Tho: For starters, tell our readers a little about who you are and what you do. i.e. your company and its focus.

Winston: Well thanks for having me. My name is Winston Jordan I am a comic creator and graphic designer out of Memphis, Tennessee. Husband and father of four. I run a production house out of my home called Samurai Studios, along with my creative partner Michael Armstrong, we produce a comic booked entitled Dragon Trio which is published through Insane Comics, a rising indie publisher. As the name of my studio suggests, we primarily deal with martial arts and like themed, subject matter. My goal is to become a full fledged publisher soon and not just a production house.

Tho: That’s great to hear, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for when you make it big. Now, we all started with one particular comic, do you remember what yours was?

Winston: The first comic book I can really remember reading was John Byrne’s reboot of Superman in the early 80’s. I was already a big fan of the movies.

Tho: You’re officially the first person I’ve talked to that started with Superman. So how did this comic end up in your hands, and did it make you want to read more?

Winston: It was given to me by a teacher who used comics to reach me. A way of getting me to read more. After that I was reading everything I could get my hands on. Especially related to comics or Superman.

Tho: Who would you choose as your favorite comic book character?

Winston: Tough call between Superman and Batman. I’m a traditionalist. So sue me.

Tho: I’ll have my lawyer contact your lawyer. Do you by chance remember the exact moment you decided that you wanted to create your own comic book?

Winston: Wow. Not long after reading that first Superman comic. I used to draw DC characters all the time, eventually I got bored with it and decided I wanted to develop my own world.

Tho: Was seeing your world come to life in print a dream come true?

Winston: Was and still is. I’m on my third issue in the Dragon Trio series, and My ninth published work overall, be it something I wrote, drew or whatever. You never get tired of that feeling. Every time feels like the first.

Tho: How difficult was it to get first comic book out into the market for people to enjoy?

Winston: It’s difficult and I don’t think people who are unfamiliar with the process truly know what all it entails. But I’ve always enjoyed writing and drawing so those parts come easy. But the work doesn’t stop once the book is published, that’s when the REAL work begins. People can’t buy your product if they don’t know it’s out there. Promotion promotion promotion.I try my best to get my book into the hands of famous people. I have been successful in doing that with Fred Ottman, a former WWE wrestler who wrestled as Typhoon in his heyday, as well as actors Mike Moh and Akira Koieyama, who play in the incredibly successful Street Fighter Assassin’s Fist.

Tho: What was the single most difficult thing when trying to get your comic published?

Winston: Getting people to realize you’re serious about this and it’s not just a hobby or pastime. It can be difficult to put out a quality product that’s going to stand alongside the big boys as well. But we have to show them that it’s not all about Marvel and DC.

Tho: If someone asked you for advice in following your dream, what would you have to say to them?

Winston: Never ever quit. Never let anyone tell you they can’t so it. And if they do, prove them wrong!

Tho: Words of wisdom if I’ve ever heard them. Now tell me, was there ever a time that you had doubts about the direction of your company?

Winston: All the time. Sometimes things don’t go as planned and you find yourself second guessing sometimes but it comes down to passion

Tho: Speaking of passion, who would you say was your biggest inspiration in your life?

Winston: My biggest inspiration is actually not a famous person. It’s my high school art teacher Mr. Ralph Norwood. He spent many an afternoon after school helping me to mold and shape my drawing abilities. Many teachers just don’t care about their students like that any more. The man has my unwavering admiration.

Tho: Now for the non-nerdy stuff, do you currently make an effort to work out?

Winston: I do.. not as much as I need to with deadlines and all. I try to do a half hour or so a day. But again that doesn’t always work out.

Tho: If you could gain any one power from a comic character, who would you choose and what power?

Winston: I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to be able to launch myself into the sky like Superman.

Image courtesy of Winston Jordan and Insane Comics

I would like to thank Winston again for doing this interview and if you want to check it out; Winston has two published issues of his comic book Dragon Trio. To get this work for yourself Dragon Trio can be purchased from Insane Comics online store.

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