Eight simple hacks from Digital Skill Hub

3 min readSep 19, 2023


Digital Skill Hub

Microsoft Outlook has been our steadfast companion for years in the bustling world of emails, calendars, and meetings. It’s the virtual personal assistant we rely on to send messages, organize schedules, and keep our professional lives on track. But did you know that beneath its familiar interface lies a treasure trove of productivity-enhancing secrets? In this blog, we’re about to unlock Outlook’s hidden potential, and you won’t believe the magic it can weave into your daily work routine. If you want to learn the ins and outs of Outlook, Digital Skill Hub is here to guide you.

  1. Remember to Attach That File!

We’ve all been there — composing a crucial email and realizing too late that we forgot to attach a vital file. Outlook comes to the rescue with its handy reminder feature. Just type the word attachment or stick it in your email, and if you attempt to send it without an attachment, Outlook will gently nudge you, preventing those embarrassing omissions. It’s like having a vigilant assistant watching your back.

  1. Never Miss a Flight Again

Imagine a world where your email magically populates your calendar with flight details, hotel reservations, and rental car confirmations. Well, Outlook makes it a reality. When you receive such emails, Outlook automatically adds them to your calendar with confirmation numbers and links. Say goodbye to frantic search for booking references; Outlook covers your travel plans.

  1. Stay Focused and Ignore the Noise

We’ve all been trapped in never-ending email threads that seem to multiply like rabbits. Whether it’s an involuntary addition to a distribution list or a thread that has outlived its usefulness, Outlook’s Ignore Conversation feature is your escape hatch. It moves the entire conversation to the Deleted Items folder, ensuring your Inbox remains a storehouse of meaningful messages. Supervity.ai is the best place for one to learn all about Outlook.

  1. Never Miss That Crucial Message

Picture this: you’re eagerly awaiting an email containing a job offer, concert pre-sale code, or an essential document from your boss. But you also have other tasks to tackle. Enter Outlook’s new item alerts — a lifesaver that notifies you when a specific message arrives. It doesn’t matter if you’re buried in spreadsheets or presentations; Outlook will ensure you catch that critical email.

  1. Declutter Your Inbox with Ease

Is your Inbox bursting at the seams with redundant messages? The Clean Up feature in Outlook can be your savior. It identifies and deletes duplicate or unnecessary emails, leaving only the needed ones. It’s a fast track to achieving the mythical Inbox Zero.

  1. Multitasking Made Easy

Have you ever wanted to juggle multiple Outlook tasks seamlessly? Outlook’s got you covered. You can open various Outlook windows simultaneously, effortlessly switching between your Inbox, calendar, duties, and more. It’s like having multiple screens for enhanced productivity.

  1. Get Their Attention with @Mentions

Gone are the days of employing colorful fonts or bold text to grab someone’s attention in an email. Outlook introduces @mentions, a feature that does the job with elegance. Simply type @ followed by the recipient’s name, and Outlook will handle the rest. Their name gets added to the To line, highlighted in the message, and they’ll see the magic @ symbol in their Inbox, signaling they’ve been mentioned.

  1. Share Your Outlook Wisdom

Outlook is a vast playground of possibilities, and we’re just scratching the surface here. We’re certain you’ve stumbled upon your own Outlook gems — tips and tricks that make your daily tasks a breeze.


In conclusion, Outlook isn’t just an email client; it’s your secret weapon for conquering the chaos of work and life. Its hidden features are like little sparks of genius waiting to ignite your productivity. So, why settle for the basics when you can be an Outlook virtuoso? Start exploring, experimenting, and optimizing your Outlook experience today. Your professional life will never be the same again.

