What Tea Is Good for Menstrual Cramps?

7 min readMay 5, 2023

Are you wondering whether there are any proven benefits of drinking different teas during that time of the month? Or does this centuries-old way of relieving muscle cramps intrigue you?

If you’ve answered yes, then stay tuned! We are about to go deeper into the science behind these herbal teas.

You may be familiar with the benefits of ginger and green tea, but did you know there are various other teas for menstrual cramps?

These teas help relieve inflammation, bloating, and muscle spasms and provide relaxing benefits in a couple of hours, depending on the tea’s strength.

Herbal teas can even lower blood pressure and keep the skin youthful and rejuvenated. Several studies have indicated that tea can help with cramps. So, let’s find out together if it genuinely does help with cramps and how you can choose the best teas.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this article.

  • Does Tea Help With Period Cramps?
  • Top 9 Best Herbal Tea For Menstrual Cramps
  • Ginger Tea
  • Peppermint Tea
  • Fennel Tea
  • Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
  • Cinnamon Tea
  • Fenugreek Tea
  • Chamomile Tea
  • Cramp Bark Tea
  • Thyme Tea
  • SUPMOGO Regenerative Wearable Belt | Best to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Does Tea Help With Period Cramps?

There is no denying how painful cramps can be during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, any pain relief during that time feels like a blessing. But unfortunately, consuming a high amount of over-the-counter medications for extended periods can have adverse effects.

Hence, many women like us constantly seek ways to relieve pain and cramps without getting the ugly side effects.

Luckily, herbal teas are incredibly useful for period cramps. For example, cinnamon, chamomile, and peppermint are known for their anti-inflammatory benefits, while others have numerous health advantages.

Many herbs contain antispasmodic compounds that help muscle spasms in the uterus and relieve menstrual cramps.

Head to the next section to learn everything about herbal teas and how they can benefit you with your period pain.

Top 9 Best Herbal Tea For Menstrual Cramps

Following is a list of teas that will help you reduce cramps during periods.

Add any of these to your diet to have a healthy and happy uterus!

1. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is a fantastic drink for sore throat and flu, but did you know that it has incredible benefits for ‘that time of the month’ and the cramps that come with it? You can drink ginger tea in moderate amounts to help with menstrual cramps and discomfort.

Ginger has excellent anti-inflammatory and healing benefits. So, drinking it in liquid form will relieve the pain and help with bloating and backache. In addition, taking 200mg of ginger every few hours will keep you comfortable and happy. [1]

2. Peppermint Tea

Aren’t we all aware of the health and cooling benefits of peppermint?

Menthol is a compound found in peppermint that gives it these cooling characteristics. So apart from being healthy and tasting fresh, peppermint will also help you during your periods.

You can try adding peppermint tea to your diet if you suffer from bad cramps and backaches during menstruation. The menthol in peppermint is known to calm stomach cramps and pain. [2]

3. Fennel Tea

Fennel is a common kitchen ingredient found lying around in cabinets. Whether you love chewing these minty plant seeds or like including them in your dinner dishes — you must be aware of their benefits and taste.

Fennel aids in keeping the heart and the skin healthy and is highly efficacious in reducing period bloating and cramps. According to research, fennel tea has been a proven aid for women who suffer from period pain and cramps.[3]

In addition, fennel has been ranked high on the list of teas for menstrual cramps due to its healing and soothing properties.

4. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is effective for period cramps, especially in decreasing PMS symptoms before the cycle begins. Additionally, regularly drinking this tea reduces PMS-related nausea, vomiting, and menstrual cramps.

Raspberry leaves contain a compound called Fragarine. It also aids in toning and strengthening the muscles in the pelvic area. Additionally, it reduces the severity of muscle spasms and reduces inflammation. [4]

5. Cinnamon Tea

We all drink cinnamon tea during winter to get warm and cozy, but did you know it can also help during periods?

If you stay all snuggled up in bed during menstruation, then drinking cinnamon tea for period cramps can be a good option.

Cinnamon reduces inflammation and bloating that comes with painful periods. The best thing about cinnamon is its warm and spicy taste that keeps you energized and reinvigorated.

According to research, cinnamon helps with PCOS and irregular periods; therefore, continuously drinking this tea will yield the best results.[5]

6. Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek is widely known to lower blood pressure and help lactating women increase milk production. Setting these benefits aside — fenugreek tea is also beneficial for menstruating women.

Fenugreek contains a compound called phytoestrogens that helps balance estrogen levels and relieves period pain. If you are suffering from dysmenorrhea, try out fenugreek tea to see if it lowers your symptoms. Its hormone-balancing features make it a good choice for period bloating and menstrual cramps.

7. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea can help you relax, fight fatigue, and sleep better. It has to be your friend to fight the menstrual blues effectively.

In a small study conducted on a group of 118 people, scientists found that drinking chamomile tea in small quantities reduced bleeding and discomfort during menstruation.[6]

Keep a pack of Chamomile tea in your bag to carry around on a work day or holiday to fight the period pain monster!

8. Cramp Bark Tea

Cramp bark — despite its lack of recognition, cramp bark has many benefits.

It is a herbal tea for menstrual cramps and is highly beneficial due to its soothing and relaxing effects. Since ancient times, cramp bark has been used to treat migraine and asthma. But now, its menstrual pain relief benefits are increasingly gaining fame.

So, the next time you get muscle spasms or cramps during menstruation, you can try this tea to help with period cramps.

9. Thyme Tea

Last on our list is thyme tea. Thanks to its healing and health benefits, people in Ethiopia have been using it for centuries to heal and help them in treating various disorders.

In addition, several studies on Ethiopian teenagers suggested that thyme tea is a good stress reliever and a calming remedy for your painful days.[7]

It is one of the most effective teas that help with menstrual cramps. However, more research is required to determine how thyme tea helps during the female cycle. But peppermint tea drinkers swear by its benefits!

Are You Suffering From Upper Abdominal Pain During Menstrual Cycle | Click Here To Learn About 9 Strategies for Period Relief.

SUPMOGO Regenerative Wearable Belt | Best to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps are inevitable, but you can make them less painful with a menstrual pain relief device like the revolutionary SUPMOGO RecoveryFlex System Belt.

SUPMOGO features Advanced Targeting Technology that grabs your pain by the neck and gets rid of it from the root. Its water-activated EMS technology sends signals to the brain that initiate muscle contraction and stimulate the brain to release beta-endorphins and enkephalins that reduce period pain.

Unlike other pain-relieving methods, you don’t have to sit for hours praying for the pain to go away. In fact, SUPMOGO Belt delivers 10X faster pain relief and even provides long-term back and core strengthening that reduces pain intensity over the months.

Wrapping Up!

If you’re a tea lover, you know how taking the first sip warms the heart and the body. You can add any of the teas mentioned above to your diet to get health and hormone benefits while simultaneously enjoying your drink.

However, sometimes you have difficulty eating or drinking anything during periods due to severe cramps, nausea, and bloating.

So, when all pain-relieving methods feel impractical, SUPMOGO RecoveryFlex System Belt can be your go-to solution to bid farewell to your menstrual cramps!

Head to our website to get your SUPMOGO pain relief belt today!

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[1] Rahnama, P., Montazeri, A., Huseini, H. F., Kianbakht, S., & Naseri, M. (2012). Effect of Zingiber officinale R. rhizomes (ginger) on pain relief in primary dysmenorrhea: a placebo randomized trial. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 12(1), 1–7.

[2] Masoumi, S. Z., Asl, H. R., Poorolajal, J., Panah, M. H., & Oliaei, S. R. (2016). Evaluation of mint efficacy regarding dysmenorrhea in comparison with mefenamic acid: A double blinded randomized crossover study. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 21(4), 363.

[3] Omidvar, S., Esmailzadeh, S., Baradaran, M., & Basirat, Z. (2012). Effect of fennel on pain intensity in dysmenorrhoea: A placebo-controlled trial. Ayu, 33(2), 311.

[4] Gruber, C. W., & O’Brien, M. (2011). Uterotonic plants and their bioactive constituents. Planta medica, 77(03), 207–220.

[5] Heydarpour, F., Hemati, N., Hadi, A., Moradi, S., Mohammadi, E., & Farzaei, M. H. (2020). Effects of Cinnamon on controlling metabolic parameters of polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 254, 112741.

[6] Mollabashi, E. N., Ziaie, T., Bekhradi, R., & Khalesi, Z. B. (2020). Do Chamomile effect on duration, amount of bleeding, and interval of menstrual cycles?. Journal of Pharmacopuncture, 23(1), 25.

[7] Zeru, A. B., & Muluneh, M. A. (2020). Thyme tea and primary dysmenorrhea among young female students. Adolescent health, medicine and therapeutics, 11, 147.




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