Supply nation is the backbone and the support group for the indigenous businesses .

Supply Nation
3 min readApr 29, 2020


Aptly named supply nation, the group engages the indigenous businesses with the most modern infrastructural support that one can find in the entire nation of Australia for holstering indigenous businesses. The supply nation is the largest database of verified indigenous businesses from all over Australia. The supply nation was founded with the motive of connecting diverse suppliers with the nascent indigenous businesses. Thus it is a mutually beneficial relationship that the indigenous businesses forge with the first nation businesses.

For listing in the database of the indigenous businesses the listing has to be done on the database, the first step of that is the registration which the indigenous businesses have to do and takes hardly fifteen minutes. Then the verification process takes no more than four working days. Once the verification is complete. the indigenous businesses become the members. The benefits of becoming a member is immense. The first benefit is access to the multitude of software, that are designed to make the operations of the indigenous businesses efficient and up to the level of the first nation businesses. Mainly there are three kinds of software that the indigenous businesses have access to the first one is the tool to control the expenditure, the second one is the tool to get mentoring from the experts that could prove extremely beneficial to the indigenous businesses and the third one the tool to monitor the transactions with the suppliers and the consumers in real time. All these tools prove extremely beneficial to leapfrog the indigenous businesses from very basic and nascent to the ones that are extremely advanced in their operations and approach. The indigenous businesses are being constantly monitored as to where they are faltering in their approach and operations. Once the indigenous businesses become the members they start finding the partners with whom they prosper and gain the limelight that was always overdue to them. The story of finding the partner is just the beginning , once the partnership has been formed these people who are the partners are often demand the attention so that both the indigenous businesses and their partners can work in complete synergy and thus bringing fruit to the partnership.

Indigenous businesses are engaged in all kinds of activities, right from making software to offering services to the cleaning of those software companies ‘premises. Whatever be the nature of the indigenous businesses, there are always businesses that are eager to forge partnerships that are mutually beneficial to the both the indigenous businesses and their first nations partner businesses. There s the support from the federal government of Australia, that has a policy of procurement from the indigenous businesses, thus the indigenous businesses get support from every quarter of the nation, and not just the supply nation organization.

The partnerships can truly transform the indigenous businesses, if we take up case study then that may be more explanatory of what can be achieved from the partnerships between the indigenous businesses and their suppliers. Now if we take the case of Muru office supplies and the KPMG, a globally recognized financial conglomerate and also engaged in the analysis and accounting services that are mostly financial in nature. In 2014 the Muru office supplies engaged in a two year contract with the KPMG to supply office essentials that covered everything from furniture to the wall panels, paper and different varieties of the supplies without which a modern office cannot function. The result was the KPMG did not have to talk to several vendors that general articles of use in the office, Instead Muru office supplies covered everything under one roof, and what Muru got was a steady income for two years that included every kind of office supplies and if it were to perform to the satisfaction of the KPMG firm, the contract could be extended and may be transformed into a partnership. This kind of partnership is called first nations business partnerships.

