How to Tell an Irresistible Solar Brand Story

Andy Cline
2 min readJun 15, 2017


The world has never been more ready for the renewable energy and solar revolution than at this particular moment in history.

Yet, despite all the evidence of the benefits and positive impact that a transition to solar technology can have on everything from the economy and jobs to the environment, many residential and commercial solar companies continue to fight what can feel like an uphill struggle in the battle to win over consumer hearts and minds.

What Does Storytelling Have to Do With Solar Panel Installation?

Whether you are trying to sell books, batteries or solar roof panels, the age-old sales and marketing mantra holds true: people don’t like to be sold to.

Your solar company may offer the sleekest, state-of-the-art products, but unless you can get prospects emotionally invested and convinced they can’t live without the benefits your products have to offer, no amount of persuasion or aggressive sales tactics will likely change their mind. That’s where stories come in.

By building a compelling personalized story around your brand, your company can appeal to your target audience on an emotional level, where they are much more likely to listen.

The Importance of Connecting on an Emotional Level

If presenting a list of facts, numbers and points of data were enough, products and services would virtually sell themselves. But, even if we hear something that is true, a “fact” is easier to dismiss than an emotion. Stories help us to connect on an emotional level that transcends what the mind knows to be true.

If presenting a list of facts, numbers and points of data were enough, products and services would virtually sell themselves. But, even if we hear something that is true, a “fact” is easier to dismiss than an emotion. Stories help us to connect on an emotional level that transcends what the mind knows to be true.

Must-Have Ingredients for Your Solar Brand Story

Generally speaking, the most important element of any branding and marketing strategy is your unique selling point, the one thing that separates your product or service from all of your competitors. But simply telling everyone that solar panels are great and will save money and the planet is not likely to convince anyone.

Get the rest of the ingredients for Your Solar Brand Story at the blog.

Originally published at on June 15, 2017. Now found at



Andy Cline

Visit my positive impact shopping platform at, and check out my art at I live in Yokohama where people are 優しい.