How Indie Artists Can Make Money From Touring

3 min readAug 31, 2023


The Payolie Guide to Making Money From Touring

Touring can be a great way for independent artists to connect with fans, promote their music, and grow their careers. However, it can also be expensive. That’s why it’s important for indie artists to know how to make money from touring.

There are a few different ways that indie artists can make money from touring. Here are a few of the most common methods:

  • Ticket sales: This is the most obvious way for indie artists to make money from touring. The more tickets they sell, the more money they will make.
  • Merchandise sales: Indie artists can also make money by selling merchandise at their shows. This could include things like t-shirts, CDs, and other items.
  • Sponsorships: Indie artists can also get sponsorships from businesses. This could involve things like having the business’s logo on their merchandise or being featured in their advertising.
  • Streaming royalties: If indie artists have their music on streaming services, they can earn royalties from each stream. The amount of money they earn will depend on the number of streams and the terms of their contract with the streaming service.
  • Payolie: Payolie is a platform that helps indie artists book shows, negotiate terms, promote their tours, and manage their finances. Payolie also offers a travel accommodations service that can help artists book flights, hotels, and other travel arrangements.
How to Turn Your Music Career into a Profitable Business

If indie artists want to make money from touring, they need to be strategic about their approach. They need to find ways to increase ticket sales, sell merchandise, get sponsorships, and earn streaming royalties. They should also use a platform like Payolie to help them book shows, negotiate terms, and promote their tours.

Here are some additional tips for indie artists who want to make money from touring:

  • Build a strong fan base before you go on tour. The more fans you have, the more tickets you will sell.
  • Promote your tour on social media and other channels. Let people know about your upcoming shows and give them a reason to come out and see you.
  • Offer exclusive merchandise or experiences to fans who buy tickets early. This will help you sell more tickets and make more money.
  • Get creative with your marketing. There are many ways to promote your tour, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
  • Be prepared to work hard. Touring is a lot of work, but it can be very rewarding.

If you follow these tips, you can increase your chances of making money from touring as an indie artist.

Learn more about how Payolie can help you make money from touring by visiting our website or watch the video below.




Payolie is an innovative online platform connecting independent artists with promoters to book events and manage their careers.