The Future of Healthcare Devices/Wearables

United Smart Tech
2 min readJan 10, 2019


With the advent of the 2019 Consumers Electronics Show (CES), eyes are turning to electronic and smart devices that help you detect, manage, and improve your health. Last year saw 472 registered exhibitors in the health category, and this year an astounding 511 companies are prepared to display their latest health devices.

Here are a few of the devices you’ll see at CES 2019.

Blood pressure wristband

Imagine if you could track your blood pressure during the day to see how events affect it. A blood pressure wristband will help those with heart disease and blood pressure problems monitor their health better. Even those without heart/blood pressure issues can benefit.

Starting with your resting heart rate, you could see how your pressure spikes during your workout, at work, and in the evening at home. You can get real data on how high your blood pressure skyrockets when that annoying co-worker stops by your cubicle to spout hateful political rhetoric.

Forehead sleep sensor

Sleep apnea is a real health concern, but many go undetected, putting their health and lives at risk. If you’ve never submitted to a sleep assessment, count yourself lucky. Having someone watch you sleep and monitor every sound, movement, and twitch makes it hard to get a good night’s rest. A forehead sleep sensor will let you detect possible sleep apnea from the comfort of your home.

You wear the sleep sensor on your forehead, and it detects how many times you stop breathing during the night. This data will give your doctor clear information needed to diagnose sleep apnea and treat it.

Blood sugar breath monitor

For those with diabetes, testing and monitoring blood sugar levels is time-consuming and inconvenient. The new breath monitor allows diabetics to simply breathe into the wristband device to instantly get a reading on blood sugar levels.

This will replace the cumbersome and annoying test strips and lancets that diabetics use today. No more finger prick, getting blood on everything but the test strip, and waiting for a reading. Imagine how this will transform blood sugar monitoring and reporting.

Final thoughts

There are obviously many other health devices and wearables slated for release at CES 2019. It will be interesting to see how they impact the market and the lives of individuals with health issues.



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