BeWater AI Crypto Hackathon Winning Projects

6 min readJun 15, 2024


The BeWater AI Crypto hackathon is a month-long hacking and workshop program. Concluded on May 30, the hackathon had over 70 teams registered, 17 teams making it to Demo Day and after 2 weeks of evaluation, 10 projects were finally selected as winners, covering tracks of AI Stack/Performance, AI Agents/Dapps, Tokenized AI and Incentives, and Security and Privacy.

The BeWater AI Crypto hackathon was co-hosted by @ABCDE, @OKX Ventures, @SevenX Ventures, and @BNB Chain and had leading thinkers as mentors, speakers and judges including Illia Co-founder of NEAR, Sam from Arweave, Haseeb from Dragonfly, Saneel Co-founder of Ritual, Garrison CMO of, Dr. Cathie So Chief Scientist at ORA and more.

After careful evaluation, the winners of BeWater AI Crypto Hackathon are as follows. As a tech-driven Web3 venture studio and hackathon platform, BeWater will continue supporting teams building beyond the hackathon program.

Grand prize: GatlingX

Track 1: AI Stack/Performance

  • First Prize: GatlingX

One-Line Summary

Most Performant parallel-EVM in the world by 100x.

Project Highlights

Massive unlock: foundational infra for training AI/RL models that interact with the EVM, accelerated L2s, MEV, backtesting, and more.

About the Team

A team of Oxford CS alumni with expertise in RL, MLOps, compilers, and GPUs, with experience at Crowdstrike, Citadel Securities, and Wayve, and creators of ZKMicrophone.



  • Second Prize: Atoma Network

One-Line Summary

Building trust in AI through verifiable inference.

Project Highlights

  • A decentralized compute layer focused on verifiable AI inference and privacy
  • Smart contracts can leverage Atoma as an intelligence layer allowing them to become really smart
  • Allowing model owners to monetize their models
  • Their vision includes bringing idle GPU compute online and implementing AI workflows, data integrity, and verifiable inference to provide democratic AI access. They aim to ensure AI privacy and security, allowing integration across countless industries.



  • Third Prize: RPS AI

One-Line Summary

A Foundational Model for Crypto Data, large Language and Prediction Models for building Intelligent and Autonomous decentralized applications.

Project Highlights

  • Query Data: live & historical blockchain data and up to date crypto contextual data.
  • Interpret Intent: deeper understanding of crypto language and primitives. Minimal hallucination outputs.
  • Make Predictions: coordinates variety of live data sources for higher accuracy and optimize executions.

About the team

They are a team of crypto natives from Stanford and Georgia Tech with 10 years of experience in deep learning and crypto with experience productionizing LLMs since 2019.



Track 2: Agents/Dapp

  • First Prize: DeAgent.AI

One-Line Summary

DeAgentAI aims at building an omni-intelligence blockchain system within AI native infrastructure.

Project Highlights

DeAgentAI applies comprehensive AI capabilities to remedy inherent problems of the blockchain ecosystem.It replaces human consensus with unbiased AI decisioning to enhance network efficiency and impartiality.

DeAgentAI revolutionizes the Web3 landscape by introducing intent-based interactions. This approach will redefine how users engage with decentralized networks, making interactions more intuitive and efficient.

It allows developers to deploy their own AI agents, incentivizing high-quality creation through a token-based economy. Within the ecosystem, users can interact with Web3 without barriers and unlock numerous potential liquidity opportunities to maximize the possibility of capturing wealth effects.

About the Team

The team, established in January 2023, initially provided Web3 data services before transforming into DeAgentAI in November 2023. The CEO, a European founder who pursued an AI PhD at a top US university, is now primarily based in Europe, while the CTO, Joe, a Chinese AI PhD graduate from a leading US university, operates mainly from Hong Kong and New Zealand.



  • Second Prize: Xderp/AimeliaNetwork

One-Line Summary

Decentralized AI Agents Evaluation Protocol built on Prediction Market.

Project Highlights

We have a vast supply of decentralized AI infrastructure and algorithms but lack a decentralized AI evaluation protocol. They create high-stakes bounty games (prediction markets) with generative AI and distribute rewards to AI developers, problem creators, and validators based on their contributions. The game aligns the interests of AI developers and Degens with the prediction market. This cross-chain communication protocol connects AI capabilities from multiple chains and evaluates both on-chain and off-chain capabilities of DA and AI layers.

About the team

The team consist of two AI PhDs who have published over 40 AI papers and hold more than 30 patents, one Web2 and one Web3 influencer with a combined following of over 100K users, and eight core developers.



  • Third Prize: Metagent

One-Line Summary

Metagent is your gateway to the next-generation Web3 world of interactive entertainment. Engage with AI-driven digital twins of celebrities and characters, unleash your creativity on this decentralized agent platform, and profit with Web3 tokenomics.

Project Highlights

Metagent provides tranformative low-cost, real-time, interactive AI agents that are decentralized.

About the Team

The Metagent Team is comprised of talented individuals from esteemed institutions such as UC Berkeley, Microsoft, and Tsinghua. Their aim is to build decentralized AGI and create digital extensions of humanity.



Track 3: Tokenized AI and Incentives

  • First Prize: Assisterr

One-Line Summary

Assisterr is constructing a Network of Community-Owned Small Language Models (SLMs), enabling communities to collaborate, monetize, and aggregate their expertise in niche subjects for the development of their own small language models.

Project Highlights

Assister is focused on Small Language Models SLMs, which refer to natural language processing (NLP) models designed to be more compact and efficient than their larger counterparts, providing useful language understanding and generation capabilities with fewer computational resources. Their Data Provenance Protocol (DPP) focuses on the decentralized coordination of a community effort to achieve the highest accuracy of domain-specific SLMs.

By leveraging DPP and providing an end-to-end infrastructure for launching and maintaining community-owned SLMs, Assisterr unlocks the value of aggregating human intelligence.

They just launched a testnet with 20first SLms and community incentive program, and 35k+ users registered in first 36h.



Track 4: Security and Privacy

  • First Prize: 2PM.Network

One-Line Summary

2PM.Network is a privacy-computing AI model ecosystem that relies on the security and verification services of any EVM blockchain.

Project Highlights

  • 2PM.Network uses the Story Protocol to copyright AI models and distributes the income from AI model inference to contributors of private data and computing power.
  • 2PM.Network, in conjunction with EigenLayer, motivates users to stake and restake, enabling node operators to run verification clients to verify data, computation processes, and results.
  • 2PM.Network is modular, allowing anyone to build new privacy computing node networks based on the privacy computing framework and 2PM DAO, to train new AIs and provide APIs to downstream applications, and to issue new Royalty Tokens to incentivize participants.
  • 2PM.Network is integrating ZAMA Concrete ML to implement privacy computing under fully homomorphic encryption, supporting large-scale C-end privacy computing applications.

About the Team

The 2PM.Network team comprises members from prestigious institutions such as Peking University Yuanpei College, the University of Edinburgh, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Fudan University, and the University of Bristol. They have extensive experience working in major internet companies such as ByteDance and Baidu, blockchain companies such as NEO, and AI/Web3 startups.



  • Second Prize: Apocryph

One-Line Summary

Autonomous Cloud for Autonomous Entities.

Project Highlights

  • Unleashing New Beasts: Autonomous Entities
  • Shipped Open Source Proof of Concept (PoC)
  • Supports any type of software to be run on decentralised confidential cloud
  • Provides reliable compute that rivals hyperscalers

About the Team

Mission-driven tech leaders with a mix of tech prodigies, cloud compute, AI and blockchain experts.


@apocryphnetwork @apocryphcloud

Galadriel bounty: Proof of Prompt

One-Line Summary

Proof of Prompt is a Galadriel-based AI DApp that rewards PoP tokens to users who can generate a string “PoP” using prompt techniques.

Project Highlights

  • Innovative AI + meme token offering mechanism
  • Fully operational prototype
  • cute UI
  • 20+ community members sent 100+ transactions



AO bounty: Decentramind

One-Line Summary

DecentraMind is a decentralized community application (DApp) based on ArweaveAO, helping projects build their communities through a progressive ownership model that is superior to airdrops.

Project Highlights

  • Innovative community governance mechanisms
  • Comprehensive support for community and builder needs
  • Full-stack decentralized trust architecture



Neo bounty: Assisterr

We would like to once again sincerely thank all the participants for their passion and innovation, as well as our sponsors and partners @ABCDELabs @OKX_Ventures @SevenXVentures @BNBCHAIN @OraProtocol @ionet @ritualnet @ArweaveEco @ArweaveOasis @supersightxyz @mindnetwork_xyz @Galadriel_AI @Neo_Blockchain @exa_bits @hyperbolic_labs @ezklxyz @cysic_xyz @AWSstartups @OpenBuildxyz for their support, which made this hackathon a great success. We believe that the deep integration of AI and blockchain technology will lead a new wave of revolution in the digital era. In the future, BeWater will provide more opportunities to support the development of the Web3 ecosystem, while BeWater Web3 Venture Studio will also offer incubation support and assistance to projects.






Web3 Hackathon and Venture Studio @BeWaterOfficial