Bandwidth intensive application that Requires your Attention

Nextelle Support
4 min readJun 2, 2022


The demand for higher bandwidth is increasing due to data requirements for businesses and even individuals who are at home. As we are now in digital transformation, there is a more complex distribution of bandwidth among customers as there are many factors need to be considered such as latency, bandwidth, and throughput. Many applications today, requires greater bandwidth so the app can work and run smoothly. Bandwidth is the amount of data transmitted over an internet connection in a certain amount of time and is often mistaken for internet speed, where in fact it is the volume of information sent over a connection that is being measured.

Types of Bandwidths

a. Public Wireless — these are 4G, 4G LTE and currently we have 5G on some selected area. Public wireless has a package up to 100Mbps bandwidth, with data caps above which costs increase significantly. Some areas, these are their only options especially if they haven’t reached with internet services and existing twisted pair copper phone lines.

b. Public Broadband — the short term for broad bandwidth is broadband which is provided through cable or telephone companies. It uses multiple data channels in order to transfer large quantities of information. These includes DSL (Digital Subscriber line), cable and fiber. It is relatively low cost for high bandwidth.

c. Private Networks — this is not shared unlike public wireless. It is being sold through carriers as professional business services with SLA (Service level agreements) and includes QoS terms (Quality of Service). This Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is data carrying technique used by high performing private telco networks. It is the best way to ensure point-to-point connectivity and reliable network performance for real-time applications such as video streaming and conferencing.

d. Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) — this type of bandwidth combined any service from any provider to create a resilient network whether public or private. Advantages of these are:

i. The resiliency and protection against carrier outages that can be configured to provide automatic link failover or duplicate data over several connections. Even if one connection is lost, there will still be continuity of data flow, no data loss and no downtime.

ii. The compliance and security especially for businesses to secure network and reliable data, voice, and video services at an affordable rate.

iii. The cost-effective expansion of existing MPLS networks to supplement other high-priced service by adding lower cost broadband for efficiency, failover protection and budget.

Some bandwidth intensive applications

1. Skype and VoIP or video conferencing — it has a bandwidth of 14%. Applications such as these are used for messaging, voice over and video conferences mostly used by businesses.

2. Dropbox and online backup — can reach up to 11%. These are app used for online storage and file-sharing.

3. YouTube — It uses 3% of your bandwidth and all other online video adds that can reach up to 8.9%

4. Pandora — this is a music app that uses 2.5% and all other music apps up to 6.7%

5. Facebook — it has 0.8% and all other social media platforms share the same and can reach up to 1.1%

Some internet terms are interchangeably defined from bandwidth.

Bandwidth vs. Speed — when you say bandwidth, it’s how much information you receive every second. The speed is how fast the information is being received or downloaded.

Bandwidth vs. Latency — here is latency is the delay or ping rate or the lag experience while you are waiting for the page to load. It is referred to the time it takes to get the information from its source.

Bandwidth vs. Throughput — Throughput is measured on how much information gets delivered in a given amount of time. If bandwidth is the maximum amount of data, throughput is how much of that data makes it to its certain destination.

When you happen to experience lag or slower speed you need to take into account if that is because of your bandwidth or the app that you are using. Many applications nowadays used higher bandwidth for it is required to make the business operation run efficiently. Most especially today, that most workforce are now at home, video conferencing and VoIP are very important as part of urgency on communication.

If you need to increase your bandwidth, you need to check with your service provider. Get the right provider for you just visit

