Ultrasonic Cleaners

Autoclave Depot
2 min readJan 16, 2019


In this article I will detail to you the importance of the Ultrasonic Cleaner.

This article is for you if you are a medical professional that uses autoclaves for sterilization and may even also use ultrasonic cleaners as well.

The question many doctors have is what is an ultrasonic cleaner and why do I need one?

Autoclave Depot is more than happy to answer these questions for you right now!

Let’s answer you first question which was “What is an ultrasonic cleaner?” An ultrasonic cleaner is a higher level of sterilization because it uses ultrasonic volts.

Now you are probably are already thinking the second question again which is “why do I need one?”

We already established in the beginning of this article that you are a medical professional. This means you are dealing with the care of human lives. You care about the safety and health of people not just because you took an oath but because this is what you value.

You need an ultrasonic cleaner because without it to put it simple you will not have the most sterilized medical instruments by using an autoclave alone.

This is a need and not a want because when you are dealing with the lives of others there is simply no grey area.

Think of the Ultrasonic Cleaner and Autoclave like peanut butter needs jelly or milk needs cookies. They simply go together perfectly as expressed in the above mentioned metaphors.

The ultrasonic cleaner is the pre autoclave sterilization step. You must always use an ultrasonic cleaner for your medical supplies before you place them into your autoclave.

Think of it like this. When you wash your dishes after dinner and in this scenario you just had a dinner party. So not everyone was able to clean off the plate like you can. On the light eating guests plate remains extra food like mash potatoes, macaroni and cheese, or other foods that are not so easy to simply scrub off in the garbage before putting in your washing machine.

My question is with the excess of food on the plate and you brushed what you could off the plate into the garbage do you still toss it into the washing machine? Well if you do you probably know what will happen after your washing machine cycle is done. Parts of that food will still be on that plate. This could have been easily avoided if you simply took an extra step of scrubbing it out in the sink with hot water, sponge and soap.

Think of the ultrasonic cleaner like the sink and sponge. It assists in cleaning your medical supplies much more thoroughly. This way when you put your medical instruments into the autoclave and when the cycle is complete. You have completely sterilized medical instruments.

We now ask you do you use an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

