Glaucoma Who is at Risk?

1 min readApr 27, 2017


Normal Vision vs Affected By Glaucoma Vision

What is Glaucoma ?

Glaucoma is a medical problem of the eye. In Glaucoma, the optic nerve gets damaged, and may even worsens over time leading to loss of vision and if left untreated, permanent blindness.

Glaucoma causes?

Severe eye infection, inflammation in the eye, blockage of blood vessels in the eye, injury to the eye, chemical damages to the eye are the usual culprits.

Glaucoma Symptoms

Vision loss
Seeing halos around lights
Redness in the eye
Sudden hazy or blurred vision
Pain in the eye
Narrowing of vision (tunnel vision)
Flashes of light or black spots

Who is at Risk for Glaucoma?

Diabetes increases risk factor.
Trauma to the eye.
Intake of steroid medications
40+, Age related degeneration takes place.

To get a 2nd opinion if you are looking for a surgery for Glaucoma,

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