Real-World Assets Tokenized with Swarm’s SRC-20 Security Tokens — Now Tradable on OpenFinance Network

Sami Joyce
2 min readSep 8, 2018


In a recent and further development, the avenues of liquidity for Swarm’s SRC-20 security tokens are expanding, with the official partnership announced between OpenFinace Network (OFN) and Swarm, the blockchain for private equity.

The Swarm SRC-20 token is the industry standard for security tokens, and its integration into OFN demonstrates is a significant progression for the both the cryptocurrency and traditional finance markets. SRC-20 security tokens represent the partial ownership of an asset, and grants proportional rights in its governance to token holders. The tokenizing of assets and the interoperability this partnership provides benefits not only investors, but equity holders, investment funds and securities trading platforms alike.

Benefits to Users, Investors & Investment Opportunities:

  • Liquidity of assets for both SRC-20 token holders as well the current and future private equities, investment funds/opportunities listed and offered by the Swarm Fund.
  • Exposure to a wider audience of additional investor profiles that may not have previously known about SRC-20 tokenized assets
  • OFN is the first US based regulated security trading platform, so for the first time users can purchase regulated, legally compliant security token assets within the US, with SRC-20 will be one first of the first of those offered.

SRC-20 Integration Benefits to OFN:

  • OFN users gain access to a completely new marketplace and a plethora of new and diverse investment opportunities
  • OFN gains the exposure and expansion from the vast community of SRC-20 security token holders
  • OFN is the first trading platform to implement and leverage Swarm’s Market Access Protocol (MAP), an open-sourced infrastructure that automates the flow of compliant transactions in accordance to all regulatory, geo-based rules and qualification requirements. MAP is a standardized protocol that can used by the entire security tokens market, empowering the OFN further interoperable with all security tokens.

Further Benefits of Swarm’s SRC-20 Security Token:

  • No minimum entry fees for accredited retail, cryptocurrency investors.
  • SRC-20 tokens prove your ownership of part if an asset by the immutability of the distributed ledger.
  • This proof of ownership grants you the right to vote on issues affecting that asset.
  • Automated legal and regulatory compliance considerations built in, and tradable in a complaint manner
  • Secures the right to any revenue streams from the asset.

The congruent goals shared between Swarm and OFN to restructure and democratize the existing fragmented marketplace makes for a strong uniting force and mutually beneficial relationship, further cementing the future of a seamless, digitally connected and reliable tokenized security asset infrastructure.

Swarm is on a clear path to become the industry leader, and the standard, for the advancing security token industry.

To find out more, check out Swarm and OpenFinance Network.



Sami Joyce

Crypto Investing/Forex Trading/Business. Seeking & Sharing the Best Blockchain Projects for the future.