Problem Solved by TerraGreen

2 min readMar 20, 2019


TerraGreen has been set up to solve major problems of the environment and not only that but to benefit its users with the help of it. It has solved many problems that current cryptocurrency industry is facing. Few common problems like.

Use of renewable energy source:-

Yes, TerraGreen was set up to make relevant changes that will be beneficial to our future. With the blockchain technology, we built a renewable energy trading platform. Which will further fund the major renewable sourcing projects in the future that will make earth a better place to live.

Connected Users:-

In the current system there is so much of privacy and users are not interconnected to each other, whether it be an investor, consumer or the utilities. But this is going to change, TerraGreen has developed a system where everything and everyone is connected with each other. So, it has helped in connecting users and made it open for everyone to do trade with each other.

Transparency in The System:-

TerraGreen is an ecosystem, where not only tokenization of renewable energies takes place but also the community can use this as a fiat currency. They can even use it as payment for energy consumed. Apart from this, we have introduced transparency in this system. Transparency in such a way that users are able to monitor energy production and consumption.
And hence this is how TerraGreen brings transparency in the cryptocurrency system which is a vital step ever taken for the advance future of cryptocurrency.




TerraGreen is a blockchain based renewable energy platform that renovates the future of Renewable Energy.