Blockchain Neural System (BNS) will fundamentally change the Artificial Intelligence market

BlockChain Neural System
2 min readNov 11, 2017

The future is much closer…

We live in the age of remote communication, digital currencies, and artificial intelligence. Smart machines are an integral part of the Internet. They are applied to e-commerce, digital marketing, social media or just entertainment. And that’s not the limit — AI will continue to evolve.

We are those who want to accelerate this process!

Nowadays the process of machine learning is mostly centralized. Large corporations like Google use the great computing power within the one place (building, office etc.), spending enormous resources to create the ecosystem for AI improvement. We believe that centralization is the reason why this process is pretty slow.

Mining as a solution?

With the advent of Blockchain, the mining became an essential part of the modern economy. People all around the world use the computing capacity to generate cryptocurrency. This process is completely decentralized — miners are not linked by anything, neither any corporation nor bank or other organization. All you need to start mining is a large amount of computing power.

However, we believe that mining can be used not only for financial purposes.

What do we offer?

Our idea is a universal tool, creating the artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence for the customers’ needs. We offer:

  1. Complete automatization of machine learning (no needs for the expensive qualified specialists anymore)
  2. Unlike Google, Microsoft or Amazon, our costs for AI creation and its learning are up to 15 times lower.
  3. Hybrid mining, which gives miners the opportunity to earn 25% more than in case of mining other cryptocurrencies.

Even 5% of Ethereum capacity is enough to create one supercomputer that would be much more powerful than all existing supercomputers combined!

What is the outcome?

Nowadays there is no project or any organization, using all the three aspects of machine learning. Due to uniting all of them, we can make the process much faster than it is right now. We see the future, where AI development is completely decentralized and anonymous (which means that customers’ private data will not be held on any corporate servers).

The customer won’t need to create the ecosystem for every particular AI. The only thing he or she will need is to import the training set to the BNS server.

All that makes Blockchain Neural System (BNS) absolutely unique and revolutionary project!


The Strategic Initiatives Agency (SIA) has already expressed interest in the offered technology of distributed machine learning. The same about such organizations as ITMO University (like MIT in US) and Skolkovo (like Silicone Valley).

We are sure that our project is an enormous contribution to the technological progress generally, and AI development particularly.

Find out more info about project here

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BlockChain Neural System

BNS lets organizations and regular users to create and train neural networks using our service for further creation of artificial intelligence for their tasks.