How to build your own 4G proxy

3 min readSep 5, 2020


3G proxies, 4G proxies, LTE proxies, mobile proxies, 4G residential proxies, etc. They have many names but they’re all the same thing. HTTP or SOCKS proxies made from connections to mobile carriers either by hosting your own hardware or by having SDKs for mobile devices like giant proxy providers do.

4G mobile proxy, make 4G proxy

They’re said to be the best quality proxy there is and there is a lot of truth to that. 4G proxies often perform much better in most tasks mainly because they’re hard to block. This is thanks to a new technology that mobile carriers use called CGNAT. CGNAT or Carrier Grade Network Address Translation is a new way for allocating IP addresses to end-users. It works by allowing multiple users to the same IPV4 IP address through a NAT network.

Thanks to CGNAT, bots and automation software, in general, is harder to detect when using a 4G proxy as the same IP is used by the bot and other users creating a camouflage of real users around the bot. 4G proxies marks the end of IP-based blocking since blocking a single IP address can block thousands of real users.

Large websites that work so hard to prevent automation are very well aware of this, and they’re aware that they can’t IP ban users anymore especially when they’re using a cellular network. This doesn’t work for every proxy, as large companies know very well which IP subnets are used by mobile carriers and which ones are regular data center or residential ones. So you can only benefit from this technology if you’re using real 3G/4G mobile proxies.

Unfortunately, we do not live in this ideal world yet. Very little people know about 4G proxies and how powerful they are. On top of that, they’re much easier for the proxy user to create themselves as they require very little technical knowledge, especially when using our automated script.

We hope that by sharing this script free for anyone we to use, we can inspire more people to start making their own 4G mobile proxies, especially since they’re superior in terms of price and performance to all other proxies, especially residential ones.

Proxidize is a new SaaS solution that enables regular users to build and manage their own 4G mobile proxy farms. 4G proxy farms are simply sets of hardware that contains 4G dongles/modems connected to the management. We even support regular Android phones if you just want to test the waters through our Android app called “Proxidize Android”.

Proxidize is launching soon, but until then, you can get started making your own 4G proxy using our completely free guide which covers everything you need to get started.

To get started making your own 4G proxies, here’s our free guide:

We also have a lot of exciting features coming to Proxidize, as the launch date for the premium version is planned soon. Make sure to check our website:




Proxidize, a unified proxy solution, offers all the hardware and software you need to build and manage your very own mobile proxy network.