Why is cPanel Server Management best for you?

5 min readFeb 2, 2023


If you run a web hosting business, you probably have many servers running cPanel/WHM. Any web host will find the task of managing those servers alone or with an in-house team of technicians to be exhausting. Moreover, it is quite pricey. It’s not possible for every business to pay for the services of knowledgeable IT professionals who can actively manage a cPanel. Here’s where cPanels server management services come in handy.

Employees may lack the technical expertise to understand and manage cPanel, even in smaller start-ups where one person takes on multiple roles. It’s possible that bringing in an expert from outside the company would be more productive and less expensive than doing the work in-house. Through 24x7 cPanel certified experts, experienced webmasters can handle the technical aspects of your server for you.

What is cPanel?

A cPanel, a web-based interface for managing one’s hosting account, is included with every hosting plan. The cPanel is where you’ll manage your website and email accounts, create subdomains and add-on domains, upload files, and much more. Website metrics like daily and weekly pageview counts can be accessed directly from within cPanel.

FTP accounts that grant access to the server’s file system are also under your command. cPanel offers a wide range of security and backup features, in addition to a slew of API plugins and integrations.

What is WHM?

You can access the inner workings of your cPanel account through the back end when you use a Web Host Manager (WHM). To put it simply, it’s a tool for administrators that facilitates the making of cPanel accounts and the control of multiple instances of said control panel.

If you provide hosting services to others and also need to manage a number of websites, this is the way to go. Accounts can be changed, downgraded, and upgraded, and bandwidth consumption can be tracked. Your domains’ DNS zones are available in WHM.

Accounts in cPanel can be made, disabled, and usernames and domains can be set up. WHM is a powerful tool for managing Dedicated and VPS servers, as it grants administrative access to the cPanel interface.

Difference Between cPanel and WHM

These two concepts are often used interchangeably and can be confusing to those not familiar with both. To put it simply, cPanel is the control panel for end users; it’s a programme used to administer a single website. Whereas, WebHost Manager (WHM) is a dashboard through which resellers administer their clients’ cPanels and hosting accounts.

With WHM, you can set up individual cPanel accounts and tailor made hosting bundles. It’s easy to add new domains to your server and customise the settings for each hosting account or package independently. All cPanel account email addresses and passwords can be reset, and Resource Limits can be changed, whenever you like.

Simple account access for resold accounts is provided, as is the ability to set up private nameservers and modify DNS zone records. By using cPanel, you can control a single hosting account. Softaculous allows you to use it to set up a content management system on your server.

Subdomains and add-on domains, as well as files, can be added, removed, and managed. Site stats, DNS edits, database and backup management, and more are all within your reach.

What is a cPanel Server Management Service?

You can delegate everything about working with cPanel to an external team, beginning with the installation, when you use a cPanel server management service. SupportFly’s cPanel server management services includes installation and customization to your specifications. Our team can also assist with transferring cPanel accounts and migrating servers. We also provide 24/7 server assistance.

Installing add-ons and integrations, fine-tuning and hardening server security, and keeping an eye on everything are all additional features of our cPanel server management service. We also set up your cPanel firewall and optimise MySQL for optimal performance. We also optimise your PHP installation and install the operating system of your choice.

Why You Should Get a cPanel Server Management Service

When searching for any new service, you should prioritise finding a provider with experience; cPanel Server Management is no exception. Most companies that offer cPanel server management services have dealt with thousands of servers and are experts in the platform. You have the option of selecting a comprehensive management service or a more limited reactive support plan for technical incidents.

When it comes to proactive server audit and monitoring, most businesses opt for the full suite. Our team at SupportFly will set up everything on the cPanel server to ensure its optimal performance. By default, we set up all required plugins and firewalls, scan for malware, and apply all available security updates. Your cPanel-related issues will be addressed promptly and effectively by our devoted cPanel management team.

Beneficial Features of a cPanel Server Management Service

A cPanel management service may provide you with the following features, depending on the plan or package you select:

  • Server Setup:- This aids in the configuration of the DNS and hostname, as well as the cPanel, WHM, and other services.
  • Basic Security:- The service provider secures and hardens the security of your server and configures LFD alerts for brute force attacks. There is also PHP hardening, SMTP tweaking, and email alerts for root login.
  • Disaster Recovery:- A cPanel server management service monitors your cPanel for hacks and spam and quickly resolves the problem.
  • Server Migrations:- This includes data migration between cPanel servers as well as backup and restoration management.
  • Services Optimization:- It entails optimising performance, tweaking Apache, optimising MySQL, Exim, LiteSpeed, and so on.
  • Software Installation:- Third-party software such as cPanelPro, Zend Optimizer, Softaculous, EAccelerator, XCache, and others can be installed as needed.
  • Core Server Management:- To guarantee minimal downtime, a professional cPanel server management service provider like SupportFly will keep a close eye on the server’s status, make any necessary adjustments and upgrades, and address any problems with the service as soon as they arise. They also check server logs and, if necessary, restart downed services.
  • 24×7 Support:- In addition to quick responses to tickets, most service providers also offer unlimited consultation and support around the clock. Additionally, a good service provider should provide answers within a day.

It’s a wrap

Even though cPanel is meant to make managing a website’s backend easier for website owners, it is still a complex and time-consuming process. The hiring of an in-house crew may increase operational expenses. Your time and energy are better spent on core business functions, so let our cPanel Server Management specialists handle it.




SupportFly is an industry-level IT & Server Management Company with proven expertise and technical experts. https://www.supportfly.io