Fix Error Code 0x80070005 — Access is Denied in Windows

3 min readNov 5, 2019


Error code 0x80070005 is generally called Access is Denied blunder by Microsoft. Error Code x80070005 — Access is Denied can be extraordinary and consequently the arrangements as well. This can occur for any Windows clients while refreshing an application or complete OS or while introducing the updates. All the conceivable underlying drivers for this mistake code 0x800070005 and comparing working arrangements will be displayed here. Immediately we should dispose of this baffling “Access is Denied” error.

List of possible reasons and best working solutions for “Error code 0x80070005 — Access is Denied”

How to get rid the error Access is Denied?

Fix 1: This error “Access is Denied” is mainly due to Anti-Virus or Firewall being enabled. Please turn off these before proceeding further. In some cases, this will solve the issue.

Fix 2: After disabling Anti-Virus or Firewall, please turn on Simple File Sharing and guest account in Windows XP. Please make sure that guest account should be enabled in order to enable simple file sharing.

What if Simple File Sharing is disabled? Follow the below steps to enable it:

Step 1: Press Windows+R or Open RUN

Step 2: Type gpedit.msc and hit Enter

Step 3: Navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies >User Rights Assignments

Step 4: Search for Access this computer from the network. Double click on it to open the key.

Step 5: Make sure that Guest is listed here. If not please go through next steps.

Step 6: Search for Deny access to this computer from the network and double click on it to open the key.

Step 7: Since guest is not listed in the previous key, it should be listed here. Hence remove the guest here

Step 8: Click on Apply

That’s it, Error code 0x80070005 : Access is Denied is no more. Now you should be able to access the files and folder via shared network.

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