A Typical Morning in My College Life

Not something you want to miss

Supritha Kamalanathan
4 min readDec 31, 2023
Photo by alan King on Unsplash

4:30 a.m.

I wake up. Or at least try to. As much as I like the mornings, I like the snooze button more. As the future CEO of the biggest tech company ever to be established on Earth, I believe it’s my foremost duty to test out all forms of tech vigorously.

And I have had my eyes on the snooze tech for a long looong time.

Every morning at 4:29 am, exactly 10 seconds before the alarm blares off, my hands go to the snooze button automatically. Ten minutes and twenty seconds later, when I wake up to the second ringing, I DON’T remember it ringing the first time.

That’s how efficient I am in my job. I never let my previous judgments affect my present interpretations in any way.

And when my mom says the alarm had actually rung three times before I had even stirred my body, a surge of immense pride fills me. How remarkable of me to have used the snooze button 3 times, yet remember nothing.

That’s how perfectly efficient I am.

4:44 a.m.

When I drag myself out of bed and scream “Woah! I’m a complete morning person” eighteen times — no less, no more, than my age. I love it a bit too much — I move on to brush my teeth.

4:53 a.m.

The smell of the day’s lunch wafts from the kitchen. My mom’s busy. The sound of legs jumping in fervent jumped-up jacks reaches me. My dad’s busy.

And I’m still brushing my teeth. I’m super busy.

I like to have perfectly sparkling teeth. When I smile, it should brighten the room. And every living person in it. And non-living too. That’s my life’s biggest of all biggest purpose.

I do steal a few tiny minutes of sleep here and there. But that’s purely for sparkling eyes.

4:54 a.m.

As all the present CEOs of the biggest tech companies to be established on Earth say, the motivation to wake up early comes from having something to look forward to. Something that makes us jump out of bed.

To me, the full purpose of waking up is to continue reading my storybook.

Every morning, without fail, I fly away to a different dimension. Every year, I live a hundred lives. I experience more than what is humanely possible in the entirety of a human’s lifespan. I learn so much more than these CEOs. Any CEOs for that matter.

After I come back to my real life, I stand upside down for at least 3 minutes, try to add a quarter to my three-and-a-quarter pack, and breathe in and breathe out until I sense my whole body alight with that white aura.

That’s my morning routine.

6:40 a.m.

I’m at the bus stop. With sparkling teeth and ever more sparkling eyes. Feeling on top of the world.

You never know when your bus will decide to come. That’s a ‘suspense movie’ in super slow motion.

And you never know if it’s yours (a college typically has more than one bus) until it comes to a halt in front of you. That’s a ‘suspense inside a suspense inside a suspense movie’ in fast motion.

6:50 a.m.

I’m inside my bus, seated in my seat and trying to ignore the fact that the person in front of me is reclining their seat to its full capacity. My busmates always bring out their fullest potential and the fullest potential of everything lucky enough to be touched by them.

It happens. When you are in a bus, when everyone has paid for it, when the seat has the option to recline, it happens. You can’t complain.

And I don’t complain. Don’t dare complain because how can I? It affects my positivity. I can’t afford to let it affect the effects of my heavy load of positivity.


7:40 a.m.

The walk to my class is the best part of it all.

It’s like meditation and mindful journaling all combined into one three-minute walk. Here’s when I do the self-checkup.

Sparkling teeth? Got them. Sparkling eyes? Got them. White aura? Perfectly in place. Ready for the day? More than ready. A triple more.

And I’m good to go.

The 2023 chapter of our life is at its closing pages now. And as the next chapter’s script is unfolding, I wish you a very happy and sparkling 2024!



Supritha Kamalanathan

A teen💕... building a small empire with my words :) Exploring the depths of everything life has to offer | curious ponderings | vivid humour