The Simplest Moments Are the Ones That Make Your Life ‘Your Life’

And your life isn’t actually short.

Supritha Kamalanathan
3 min readAug 14, 2023

How crazy is it? What you have now, you might not have the next second. What you feel now, you might not feel the next second. What you hear now, you might not hear the next second. What you see now, you might not see the next second.

Life is an unpredictable present. It’s in a constant evolution. But it’s not short. It’s quite long. A day has twenty-four hours in it. An hour has sixty minutes in it. A minute has sixty seconds in it. And a second has thousand milliseconds in it. When you put it this way it isn’t that short, is it?

As days pass by and as we keep neglecting the ‘now’ and the little moments that make up the now, a day becomes a second, a week becomes an hour, a month becomes a day and a year becomes a week.

And life becomes short.

Do we not have an exciting life?

How many times do we cry over not having an exciting life? We search for something. Search for a purpose. Search for fun, excitement and happiness. But never pause to take a look at our findings.

The simple things that make up our findings. The simple findings that already make our life exciting. If we just take a moment to look at it that way.

As Christopher Robin says in one of his articles, “The mundane parts of life are the best parts of life”.

Have you ever seen a cow in real life? If you aren’t from India, there are high chances you might not have seen it. But I have. I see them every day. A hundred times every day.

What will you do if you get a chance to see it for the first time? You would admire its every movement. You would take a photo of it. You would take a photo with it. You will do all sorts of everything. But I do none of that. Seeing a cow is now a mundane part of my life. Same with crows. And pigeons.

Do I look at them the way a foreigner would? I don’t think I do. They are simple things. Simple parts of life that over time becomes mundane. But as I now look at a crow cawing across my window, I can’t help but think what a person who has never seen and heard it will do if they were in my place.

It’s actually beautiful to see a crow building its nest. Building a home for its family. It’s beautiful seeing a calf following its mother. Following its mother with no care in the world. It’s beautiful seeing a pigeon try to enter our house. To find a place to build its nest.

I see it all every day. But it’s just that I often miss out on truly seeing these simple things that make my life exciting.

Saying a cheerful ‘good morning’ to my dad, hugging my mom a hundred times every day, making my grandparents smile, and sleeping with my Mickey Mouse doll (ya, I do that even now) are all simple memories.

But those simple memories are what make my life ‘My Life’.

A whole dimension of life is often forgotten

The simple things in our life make up around 90 percent of it. It’s mundane, but there is beauty to it. There is a comfort to it. There is a refreshment to it. There is a familiarity to it.

It looks like I was a toddler taking my first step into school just yesterday. But I am now a college student and soon going to be an adult. Seventeen years of my life have gone by. And twenty years later, I don’t want to call my life short.

I don’t want to forget the simple moments that make my life long. I don’t want to neglect the ‘now’. I want to stuff my life with memories. Even the mundane ones. I want to puff it up. Make it long.

I want to do just that.

This is my 100th article. A special one. And I wanted it to be about life. Life which has given me a chance to live. And to finally write my 100th article! :)



Supritha Kamalanathan

A teen💕... building a small empire with my words :) Exploring the depths of everything life has to offer | curious ponderings | vivid humour