Understanding Quantitative Trading C4.0:Martingale strategy

Supriya Devidutta
2 min readDec 22, 2022


What is a Martingale strategy

The Martingale algorithm is a betting strategy that involves doubling the bet size after each loss in an effort to recover the losses and eventually make a profit. It has been applied to a variety of contexts, including finance, in an attempt to improve the performance of trading strategies.

Here is an example of how you can test the Martingale algorithm on stock price data for Apple in Python:

import pandas as pd

# Load the stock data
stock_data = pd.read_csv("AAPL.csv")

# Extract the stock price series
stock_price = stock_data["Close"]

# Set the starting bet size and the maximum number of bets
bet_size = 100
max_bets = 10

# Initialize the total profit and the number of bets
total_profit = 0
num_bets = 0

# Loop through the stock price data and apply the Martingale algorithm
for i in range(1, len(stock_price)):
# Check if the stock price increased or decreased from the previous day
if stock_price[i] > stock_price[i-1]:
# If the stock price increased, place a bet and double the bet size
total_profit -= bet_size
bet_size *= 2
num_bets += 1
# If the stock price decreased, collect the winnings
total_profit += bet_size
bet_size = 100

# Stop betting after the maximum number of bets
if num_bets >= max_bets:

# Print the total profit
print(f"Total profit: ${total_profit:.2f}")

This code assumes that you have a CSV file called “AAPL.csv” that contains the stock data for Apple, with a column called “Close” that contains the closing price of the stock on each date. It also assumes that you have set the starting bet size and the maximum number of bets as desired.

The resulting output will show the total profit or loss from applying the Martingale algorithm to the stock price data. It’s important to note that the Martingale algorithm can be highly risky and may not necessarily improve the performance of trading strategies in practice. It is generally not recommended to use this algorithm or any other purely mechanical trading strategy, as it does not take into account the various factors that can affect

Disclaimer: The content herein is for education purpose only. I do not endorse or recommend any particular investment or financial product, nor do i make any representation. It is the responsibility of the reader to conduct their own research and due diligence, and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment or trading decisions.



Supriya Devidutta

Sr Engineering Manager, traveller, foodie , AI / Quant enthusiast, Educator