— Price comparison of on-line supermarkets
5 min readJul 28, 2016


How to buy groceries online (via

Supermarkets constantly vie with each other in advertising groceries and drugstore products on special offer. How to find one’s way in the wide variety they are offering?

In hundreds of discounts and thousands of products the retailers bomb us with it is hard to distinguish what really is worth it.

Moreover, the special offers change so often that even after a thorough survey the found information can be used only for the today´s shopping.

Usual price comparison shopping websites

Each internet user has already encountered a usual price comparison shopping website when shopping for a new phone or tablet. No one, however, would use a classic price comparison website when shopping for groceries for the weekend.

The reason is simple — a classic comparison shopping website compares one product across various shops. But when shopping in a supermarket, we need to compare a shopping basket with dozens of items and that is why it needs to be done differently — in a smarter manner.

How not to take the bait of a “special offer”

The sales practices of supermarkets are well known, but unfortunately almost everyone takes the bait from time to time.

The advertised goods on special offer often represent only a minimal part of the product range. Each retailer knows too well that if we buy one, two or three items at the discounted price, it will still eventually make up for the lost margins on the rest of our purchase that won´t be such a bargain for us. The entire psychological impression is also emphasized by placing the relatively expensive goods next to the goods on special offer, which serves as the bait.

Surely, the supermarkets do not underestimate our calculation skills. That is why they try to stop us from getting a grasp of the actual market prices. As long as it works for them like this, our decision-making will never be economically correct and we will be forced to make irrational decisions based on subjective impressions the marketers “poured” into our heads.

What we can do about it

No matter what we are deciding on, the quality of our decision always depends on the quality of the information we have. For this reason, nearly a year ago we started working on a comparison of on-line sellers of groceries and drugstore products —

Comparison of all on-line supermarkets in one place

The price comparison website continuously tracks up-to-date offers of on-line sellers and gives a summary overview to its users. is so user-friendly that it practically does not need any further explaining — shopping there is the same as in any other e-shop.

How works

We simply add the items we want into the shopping basket. We don´t need to care which retailer has the goods available and which not. It is because we can see the prices of the goods in all shops at one place.

Usual price

Besides the current market prices, there is one more revolutionary indicator available — Long-term average, i.e. the actual usual price. Thanks to this we will never again take the bait of a special offer that only looks like a special offer. records the price development of all goods and calculates the usual price. It takes into account the prices in all shops and the time for which the prices applied. We can thus be sure that everything at a lower price than the usual price is a real and fair special offer.

Tracking of special offers

In the catalogue one can find a complete offer of all on-line supermarkets, which means that there are dozens of thousands of products shown. Such a wide range of goods cannot be tracked manually. That is why we have added the “watchdog” function that informs us of the special offers we are interested in.

For expensive products like washing powder, premium oils or spirits, which we usually do not purchase that often, our solution helps you to save tens of pounds.

We have picked out what we want. Where to buy it then?

Once we have chosen the groceries we need for our Sunday lunch, we now have to decide in which shop the price of what we have added into our shopping basket is the best.

Shopping basket on the webpage gives us a comprehensive overview of the prices of the items in our shopping basket in the individual shops.

Besides the total price in each shop, it also lets us know whether the purchase could be even cheaper.

The above example shows Lasagne Pasta Sauce. However Ocado offers offers many similar products which are cheaper. If we don’t mind the flavour that much, we can save 25-40%.

When we are satisfied with our choice, we let forward our final shopping basket to the selected shop. That is where we finish our order by selecting the payment and delivery methods.

When can I start using the service?

Right now! The service is now in an open beta version. That means that we have not identified any errors or problems, but we are still refining it and putting the finishing touches.

Its usefulness needs to be tested by you, our valued customers, so please feel free to try it in one of the following three countries:

We would really appreciate any feedback. Please be so kind as to send it to the email address or write a comment below.

What we plan next

We are working hard on further expansion to other countries.

Today, provides all functions that have crossed our minds at the beginning.

As it usually is the case, however, during the development stage a huge number of other ideas and tricks have been collected and we are now working on them. We will inform you of these extensions here.

