Google Firebase

Supun Muthutantrige
2 min readApr 14, 2020


Platform overview

Firebase platform provides everything required to build complete, end to end, web and mobile products. The platform consists of,

  • NoSql database — Firestore
  • Serverless backend — Functions
  • Storage — Firebase Cloud Storage
  • Hosting — Firebase Hosting
  • User Management — Firebase Auth

and many more — source. But with the above mentioned products, you could pretty much build your production ready web or mobile app in no time. And the best part, you could achieve all that without paying anything, yes you heard right…. without needing to use your credit card at all to see a version of your app in production. Saying that, after your app reaches a certain level, or for certain requirements, you need to use their monthly or blazer (pay as you go) plans to cater to the demand.

The best way to learn about firebase and the amazing products it offer, is to actually build a production ready app while using different products the app might require.

First thing first, let’s create a project in firebase, Go to firebase console — source. Follow the step by step guide to create your first project.


During project creation, lookout for the step where you have to mention the project location (by default it’s mentioned as US). Select a proper location based on where most of your clients reside and where you are planning to offer your services from.

read more on project locations — source

Once you are done, you’ll see the main console page.

firebase console

Expand the Develop tab (left side menu) to see the above mentioned products.

main product tab

In upcoming articles, let’s explore each product while building a production ready web app.

check my personal blog to view more — icodeforpizza

