Important Announcement

2 min readDec 7, 2018


To make it short, here are the main topics of today

  • Legal Paper
  • DPoW (51% Attack)
  • Block Halving
  • New Roadmap
  • Listing

On November 20th 2018, Cryptopia denied listing SUQA on the basis of SUQA blockchain being susceptible to 51% attacks and regarded SUQA as a Security with respect to New Zealand laws.

We came up with our own solution.

We’ve reached out to authorities and are in touch with officials in order to get a legal document for guaranteed listing on respectable exchanges. We, at SUQA, are thriving to make the best for our users and investors in both short and long term and are fully prepared to make any necessary changes to our ecosystem for the good of SUQA if the need arises. We take legal responsibilities very seriously and because of that if any necessary conditions regarding interest system of SUQA needs to be revised by the authorities, we are ready and won’t hesitate to alter our blockchain and make a hard fork in order to implement required conditions.

Another concerning issue everyone has to face at some point in crypto is that 51% attacks are REAL and it can easily disrupt a blockchain and devalue its currency. Since Cryptopia wallets already got hacked 3 times, we have to step in and actively protect not only our own users’ and investors’ money, but also our own blood, sweat and tears that is SUQA blockchain.

We invest with our hard-earned money so we believe securing funds is our primary priority. We’ve established a partnership with Komodo in order to prevent such attacks using their state of the art Delayed Proof of Work (DPoW) cryptocurrency consensus mechanism. We are also preparing an in depth article explaining what a 51% attack is, and how SUQA is prepared to prevent one.

A bit of fresh news before we end our announcement,

Today our blockchain reaches block #50000 which is the time for our block reward halving. From now on each new block will generate 2500 SUQA instead of old block reward which is 5000 SUQA.

We will release SUQA Roadmap V2 with new technologies and use cases next week.

Lastly, SUQA is listed on Happy Trading! :)

We thank each and every one of you for believing and trusting your money with us,

Your friends at

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