SUQA: Roadmap Version 2

4 min readDec 17, 2018


Today, we are excited to introduce our new and updated version of our roadmap. The changes we’ve implemented will ensure that SUQA will run smoothly and will have increased use cases and benefits to the community and the ecosystem as a whole.

Before we present our 7 step method for getting adapted SUQA for the masses, we would like to give you some key points which we believe would be essential and will improve our project in the future.

SUQA Roadmap V2
  • We’ll be making structural changes to have our legal documents ready easily, therefore not only this will strengthen our legal standpoint, but will also ease our acceptance in the eyes of governments and financial institutions.
  • Proof of Work (PoW) is very important to us, so our miners are our valuable asset for securing our blockchain. In that regard we are announcing a brand new algorithm called X2Xi. Real name and the details of the new ASIC and FPGA resistant algorithm will be released later for security purposes.
  • We believe all wealth created on the SUQA blockchain should be equal so we are reducing the amount of dev fee from 9.09% to 1% from block rewards. (Our aim is to reduce this fee to even more in the future in order to minimize the devfee effect on the price, however we have to pay legal fees and salary to our content creators and developers. As always you can check our Founders Fee & Transparency report here.)
  • Since there will be no future 2.5% reward for the ecosystem, the SUQA Foundation will pay 1 million SUQA for 3 months to the platform for adaption and let the platform work by itself in order to incubate people seeking jobs in the blockchain industry.
  • Total supply and a new stable and much more profitable block rewards will be released prior to March 2019 hard fork.
  • A brand new investment and interest system will be implemented named SUQA Infinity Nodes a.k.a. SIN (High interest rewards with controlled inflation). We would love to give details regarding SINs, unfortunately we want SUQA to be first with this new invention and prevent other projects from copying it. Also for security reasons, details of the SIN will be announced 1 week before the hard fork. What we can only say is that in order to participate in SIN, you have to have a minimum of 100K SUQA, so it’s better for everyone to time-lock, mine, invest and wait.
  • We will supply our developer wallet with 20 million SUQA so nobody can or will accuse us of using funds in the future. We won’t be touching these funds even for participating in SIN. (We will give the community every detail regarding the spendings from the developer wallet so we’ll be 100% transparent and open to all of our community and investors.)
  • The SIN concept is born with the sole purpose of our community getting the most interest while having minimum inflation. SIN is not a masternode, it’s a new invention that we created for not only attracting new investors, but to aim for them to earn more at the same time.
  • SUQA Foundation Ecosystem Platform will be Cryptolancers only, so we’ll gather everything under Cryptolancer banner to have it all under one roof.
  • Asset Creation is another tool which is similar to normal asset creation with little tweakes such as more flexibility and sending options. Details regarding Time-Locked Asset Creation will be announced later.
  • Private Networking will be different than Projects Sia and Storj with not only data storage. Details with respect to Private Networking will also be released later as project progression matures.

- SUQA White Paper Version 2 will be released on the hard fork date with the latest implementations.

7 Star Solution For Mass Adoption of SUQA

In order to provide an edge to SUQA over other projects, we’ve prepared a 7 Star Solution For Mass Adoption of SUQA. We’ll decisively and patiently implement our roadmap in order SUQA to be successful.

Here’s our 7 stars to improve our vision:

* dPOW 51% Attack Protection KOMODO Partnership. Late January 2019

** More profitable GPU mining with more block rewards shielded by the new and unique X2Xi new ASIC and FPGA resistant algorithm (No more halving with controlled low inflation), Developer Fee reduced to 1% from POW. Late March 2019 Hard Fork.

*** SUQA Infinity Nodes a.k.a. SIN (High interest rewards with controlled inflation). Revolution in Crypto Community. New Privacy and Anonymity for the SUQA Chain. Late March 2019

**** Legal paper for Non-Security. New legal partnership. Late March 2019

***** Unique E-Governance. Mass adoption. Full democracy and decentralization rotational voting with deadlines. Late November 2019 Hard Fork.

****** Time-Lock Asset Creation. Late November 2019

******* New use case. Private networking decentralized data management (Similar to Project Sia but with more flexibility and features). Q2 2020 Hard Fork.

Thank you for your time and interest in SUQA, we hope to see you in our ecosystem and would like you to work with the Cryptolancer platform you in the future.

On behalf of everyone at SUQA, we would like to express our gratitude to each and everyone of you for dedicating your valuable time.

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