What is Real Success?

Surab News tv
2 min readJul 6, 2020

The expectations that we have in our mind, what are they? Success through money, through property, through business, through fame and through authority. These are our benchmarks. The more a person a rich, famous, has authority, has big business, has property the more he is successful! Actually this is the main point, whatever image you have in your mind regarding success you will put all of your efforts for it. You will struggle for it, spend your energy on it, you will spend your day and night for it This is the thing that has been negated here! Success is not through wealth, fame, power or authority but in reality the success is through Imaan(Faith), good deeds, enjoining each other with patience and truth. Pay attention on this point, on this attitude, the mental attitude; if this gets changed it will change the personality of a human being. Now what’s your result? If success was through wealth then Qaroon was very successful If success was through authority then Firawn and Namrood were very successful. Success is not through this; if a person accumulates wealth equivalent to the wealth of Qaroon and in terms of authority he acquires the position as that of Firawn and Namrood He is still unsuccessful and totally destroyed. But Hazrat Abu Zar Ghifari is successful even if he had nothing He didn’t even have a place to live.


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