Google Assistant: Create first action and Win Swags

Surajkaran Bhambi
6 min readFeb 21, 2024


Create your own action and make it available for the world. In this article, you are going to create a custom action which will be basically a quiz. You are also going to see how to make it available for other people to use it and play with it.

At the end of this article, there is a special gift for you.

Before starting, this series of article is for everyone. No matter you have prior programming experience or not. Any person can follow the steps and can easily create the action for Google Assistant.

Let’s begin

Firstly, open your browser and you have to log in at Actions on Google console.

Click on the New Project, Agree to terms and fill up the project details like Project Name, Country, and Language.

Now, click on Create project and it will create an Action on Google project for you to begin with.

Now, you will get many options which type of action you want to create. There are some of the templates already provided by Google to make the development process easy. We are going to select Games and fun.

Inside the Games and fun, You have four options.
Personality Quiz

You will select the trivia and start creating our quiz action.

Now, you are on the develop tab. Here, you have four options to create our action and make it available to other people. In these four steps, you will create, test and update all the content required for our action.

Step 1: Personality
You can select any of the three types of voice from here. Try clicking on play button and select whichever you like. Click on Next.

Step 2: Fill in your content
Here, you will create our content which is all the quiz question and options and other required details. Click on Get Started.

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You get a template of Google Sheet here, which you had to make a copy of it and fill all your quiz data.

Update your quiz data and click on share and get a shareable link copied.

After uploading the sheet URL, actions console will validate your sheet data and will move to step 3.

Step 3: Test your Action

Click on Go to the simulator and you will end up at test tab.

Test your action here on a simulator at the left section. You can also check how will it going to look at a mobile device on the right section of the screen.

Great, you finally created your first of your own action on Google Assistant.

It’s time to celebrate and share it with other people so they can also use it on their Assistant supported devices.

Now, Go to the overview tab. There you will find three options.
1. Enter the information required for listing your Action in the Actions directory
2. Select the countries your Actions will be deployed to
3. Select the surfaces your Actions will run on

Click on the first option and it will take you to the deploy tab.

Here, you have a few details to fill.

  1. Short and Long Description
  2. Sample Invocation — how a user starts your action. For example — “Ok Google! Talk to Quick Fun Trivia”
  3. A small logo is required
  4. Contact Details
  5. Privacy and consent — You need to give a link here you had described the privacy policy of your action. The privacy policy is just a detail given by you that how you are going to use the data provided by the user when the user uses the Google action on their devices. Sample Privacy Policy
  6. Additional Information — Category of your action and few questions about gender and age.
  7. Click on the Save button at the top and Go to the release tab given on the left section.

Now, your action is ready to reach people all over the world. If in miss any step, you will get the pop up at release section to complete all the things before the final release.

It’s time for the gift we are talking about

Google is running a community program where inviting all the people around the world to try and create their own actions and as a gift, they will send you an exclusive Google Assistant t-shirt. Also, to support your efforts, they will credit the account associated with your Action with up to $200 of Google Cloud services a month (applicable to any Firebase plan)- for a full year!

Any Action for the Google Assistant deployed before July 31, 2019, at 11:59 PM (PST) that is in good standing (healthy and policy-compliant) when reviewers review is eligible.

You can also win a Google Home

Google Home

Developers with an Actions project who achieve “Getting initial traction”, “Keeping users engaged”, or “Taking your Action global” are eligible for a Google Home. Only one Google Home per developer.

What’s the eligibility for the “Getting initial traction” milestone?

This milestone is based on an Action project’s daily active users averaged over a month. So, get the word out about your Action!

What’s the eligibility for the “Keeping users engaged” milestone?

This milestone is based on an Action’s average return rate: users who’ve used the Action and come back again.

What’s the eligibility for the “Taking your Action global” milestone?

Once your Action is deployed in at least two languages each with some daily-active users, you’ve achieved this milestone.

For more details about winning Google home or t-shirt, check out here.

In the next article of this series, we are going to take a level up. We will be talking about Dialogflow and more other deep things. Till here you learn how to create an action using a template and have a good chance to win Google Swags.

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