ML use cases in Banking, Finance & Insurance

Suraj Kumar
5 min readMar 24, 2023



In this section, we will discuss the importance of ML in banking, finance and insurance. We will also provide an overview of the most popular ML use cases for each industry.

The purpose of machine learning is to develop algorithms that can automatically discover patterns in data without having to explicitly tell them what they’re looking for. Machine-based approaches are typically used when there is a high volume of correlated or similar inputs that need processing otherwise, they would be too slow and cumbersome to run on traditional hardware such as PCs or workstations. These types of problems fall into two categories: classification (or prediction), which assigns class labels (e.g., male/female) based on features extracted from unlabeled examples; regression (or prediction), which predicts values based on one or more features extracted from labeled examples.

Machine learning in banking, finance and insurance

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed. In other words, machines can “learn” on their own based on examples and data provided by humans.

In banking, finance and insurance:

  • Machine learning can be used to provide more accurate predictions about customer behavior in order to improve customer experience as well as reduce fraud risk for customers.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed. This technology can be used in all industries and has become increasingly important as we increasingly rely on computers to make decisions. Artificial intelligence, or machine learning, is the capacity of a computer to learn without being explicitly programmed. All industries can benefit from this technology, which is becoming more and more significant as our reliance on computers to make choices grows.

Because it enables computers to forecast the future based on historical data, machine learning has been widely used in banking and finance. If you want to forecast the balance of your bank account for the upcoming month, for instance, you could use machine learning algorithms (such as neural networks) that have been trained using historical data sets from users who have made comparable requests in the past; these algorithms will then produce an accurate prediction based on this new information — and as long as there isn’t any unexpected information.

Transparent customer data

Transparent customer data is the data that is available for analysis. It can be used to predict customer behavior, improve customer experience, and improve retention.

Often, banks and financial institutions use opaque customer data to make decisions about their customers. For example, if you’ve been told by your bank that you’re going to get an overdraft fee for withdrawing money from an ATM machine at night (when most people are asleep) then it’s pretty obvious why this could happen — but what about other situations where these rules might not apply?

If someone has requested a loan from one of our lenders but hasn’t started repaying it yet because they haven’t had enough income in months due to being unemployed or disabled…there’s no way we’d know anything about them without seeing some kind of transparent info!

Predicting customer behavior

Predicting customer behavior is a key factor in customer retention, and machine learning can be used to predict this. Customer behavior can also be used to improve customer experience and loyalty.

For example: when you enter a store or restaurant, you are often asked if you would like your receipt emailed (or printed). If the company knows that most customers will leave it blank or write “no” then they can avoid printing unnecessary copies of receipts which would otherwise go straight into landfill. Machine-learning algorithms are able to identify patterns from large amounts of data so that businesses can make better decisions about how best to serve their customers — and save money by not printing unnecessary paper!

Credit Risk Assessment and decision-making

Credit risk management is the art of assessing and managing credit risk. Credit risk assessment involves gathering relevant information about a customer’s financial status, then evaluating how much money they can pay you if they default on their debt. It’s not just about looking at their income and assets — it’s also about knowing what kind of person they are, how likely it is for them to default on their loans in the future (and how much value that would be), and how much time has passed since their last delinquency or defaulted payment was made by them.

Credit decision-making involves deciding whether or not to extend additional lines of credit based on these factors; if there isn’t enough information available yet then this process may need repeating several times over before making decisions based solely off assumptions made during previous assessments by other lenders (or even after initial examination).

Fraud detection

Fraud detection is a process that uses machine learning to identify fraudulent behavior. It can be used to identify fraudulent transactions, accounts and users.

Fraud detection can be done using different techniques like:

  • Machine learning — based on past data, it learns from the patterns of events that have occurred in the past (e.g., past transactions) and makes predictions about future ones using those patterns as well as available information about other users who might also be involved in fraud activities (e.g., where they live). This allows banks to track down fraudulent activities quickly without having access directly into databases where customer information is stored by third parties such as banks themselves or payment processors such as Stripe.

Micro credit data collection and analysis

Micro credit data collection and analysis is important to banking, finance and insurance.

Banks use micro credit data to determine the need for additional loan products at their branches, as well as their profitability based on volume of sales. They also rely on micro credit data when they want to decide which customers will be offered loans in future (and which ones won’t).

Micro Credit Data Collection & Analysis: The Importance of Data Collection & Analysis.

If you work in a company that deals with lending money or managing financial transactions, then you know how important it is for managers to have access to reliable information about customers’ financial status. This information helps them determine whether they should grant loans based on interest rates charged by other companies, etc., while also allowing them to make decisions about what kind of products should be offered from time-to-time too!


ML is a set of techniques that can be used to solve problems in many different fields. The banking, finance and insurance industry is no exception. While each use case has its own unique benefits, they all have the capability to transform how businesses operate. This includes reducing fraud by using ML models on credit data (e.g., predicting which customers are at risk), creating customer onboarding processes that are more personalized based on past interactions with similar customers (e.g., understanding their needs before they even know they want something), or even automating manual tasks such as loan underwriting by applying machine learning algorithms to large bodies of data collected from financial institutions themselves!

