Suraj Subhash

Suraj Subhash


1 story

Duolingo app screenshots showing gamification badges and stickers
Suraj Subhash

Suraj Subhash


3 stories

An illustration of a face going through a shredder. On the right is a face cut out of paper with stars around its face and on the left is the face going through a shredder in lots of spaghetti lines. The white paper is set against the blue background.
Suraj Subhash

Suraj Subhash

Ux writing

3 stories

Three arrows pointing forward.
Three app screens that each have exactly one word. One says Hey. Two  says Howdy. The third says Yo, with multiple o’s.
A marker drawing the letters UX.
Suraj Subhash

Suraj Subhash

Emphathise ...understand

3 stories

Illustration of a person about to slip on a banana peel
a man on walking up a at a concrete curved staircase in the style of james turrell, sparkles light up the sky, it’s a sensory experience, minimalist stage designs, photography, minimal, macro, realistic natural light, film photography, grain, light, space and colour is all blue and pink gradient
Suraj Subhash

Suraj Subhash

Information arch

2 stories

Suraj Subhash

Suraj Subhash

Ai related topics

1 story

Let’s look at how Miro, Figma, Copy.AI, Grammarly, Notion, Taskade, Gamma, and a lot more deal with AI