Surapsari Fujimaru
Surapsari Fujimaru

Hello, I'm Sari. It's a pleasure to meet you! I help people cultivate mindfulness and create a more balanced, fulfilling, and peaceful life.​ I grew up in Japan, had the privilege of living in Bali, and now live and guide private silence retreats in the serene Texas Hill Country in the U. S. I have been teaching mindfulness, holistic wellness, and meditation for 15 years. Learn more about my services as a mindfulness teacher at

I'm also a Board Certified Coach (certified by the Center for Credentialing and Education). I assist people in coping with change and transforming their lives using mindful practices. Visit my life coaching service website for more details.

Surapsari Fujimaru

Surapsari Fujimaru

Mindfulness teacher, board-certified life coach, co-owner of a private retreat facility in Texas, USA. Learn more at &