10 things you should definitely do before you turn 30

Surbhi Gupta
5 min readSep 24, 2021


10 things to do before you turn 30
Credits: Cosmo.ph

I just turned 30, three months back and I can comfortably say that these three decades of my life were nothing but adventurous. From being called out as ugly in middle school to having a successful career in one of the most prominent organisations in the country, I have come a long way from believing that validation is important, which seemed so important a few years back.

Since I had this realisation early as compared to people of my age group, I guess I am entitled to suggest few things to people in their early 20s to not to miss these 10 important things before you enter your fourth decade.

  1. Saving money: Even when you are on allowances, it is always a good idea to save 10% for your future emergencies. This additional 10% can save you from a lot of future problems where you don’t have to ask for advances from your parents. Once you get a job, this 10% should be increased to 15%. This little pool of money will go a long way whenever you go through money problems.
  2. Meet people who are very different from you: Surely, being with like-minded people makes you comfortable but being with those who show you a world which is very different from yours can be a very enriching experience. You will embrace the humility that comes from being considerate to everyone around you. The art of agreeing to disagree comes only when you are open-minded and have exposure to people who have varying thoughts than you, about life and everything else which is important. If nothing else, you will know that there are all kinds of people around you and they can either be your friends or give you an experience of a lifetime.
  3. Make friends with people who inspire you: Befriending someone because you connect with them on a mental level is completely fine. However, do find those people as well who you can look up to, for motivation, inspiration and for everything that you aspire to be. This should not include just those who have a very fine IQ but also those who are kind, empathetic, helpful and full of energy and agility. These people will be the keepers for life and you would certainly relish their guidance and companionship as you grow up.
  4. Experiment with your choices: This holds for a variety of things. Be it friends, relationships, subjects, books, music or food, experimenting can help you discover things that you thought you would never like or appreciate. Don’t be in hurry to form choices and opinions about anything or anyone, because in your early 20s you are just trying to make sense of everything and in your late 20s you will be busy making sense of your existence. And as time doesn’t come back it is for the best that you do everything to make your 30s more informed and satisfactory.
  5. Give and take space: You don’t have to tag along with your friends everywhere. Try to enjoy your own company, stay alone for a while. This will not just help you form a relationship with yourself but in a way also tell you a lot about how certain relationships are really important and what is the importance of human presence around you. You will never know what your friends and relationships mean for your emotional well-being, till you understand how it is like to be away from them. Also, once you start to enjoy being alone, you can save yourself from a co-dependent relationship which often turns toxic.
  6. Travel solo: One thing which can help you understand yourself better is when you travel solo. You can form a close bond with your deeper self and assess what is it you like and how your thought process works. With so many noises and distractions around, you cannot hear yourself think when you are around people. Therefore, to reach out to yourself, take a moment to be yourself, away from devices, people, noises, pollution and do only what you feel like.
  7. Read at least one ‘award-winning’ book: Books are like magic portals, they can lead you to the most amazing places. Try to read at least 10 books in a year, and write down your takeaway from it. If you are not much of a reader, try reading at least one ‘award-winning’ book instead of a bestseller. Not all bestsellers are worth your time and energy and some of these could be absolutely gunk which you may not like at all. Make a habit of reading Booker Prize-winning books which are mostly excellent and will give you a perspective about the world, life and everything important.
  8. Find your passion and keep it alive: People without passion are like well-trained zombies. There should be something that can drive your zeal, and inject some adrenalin rush in you. Once you have found your passion, don’t let it die. Practice it often, maybe once a week or month, this will be your gateway to happiness in dark times when there won’t be light around you to see, people around you to help. This passion will help you navigate your way through sanity if that type of situation, ever arrives.
  9. Forgive yourself: If you have somehow done something unforgivable, it is important that you, first of all, forgive yourself. It is ok to commit mistakes, the only point is to learn from them and do not repeat them. Once you have forgiven yourself, don’t shy away from apologizing to others. It is never too late to say sorry. Also, remember, there is always a way out, there is always an option to get out of a mess, anytime. You just have to be brave enough to face the repercussions. Don’t be afraid to stand against the wrong, even if it meant standing against the people who are close to you.
  10. Leave toxic people and move on: One thing that you should keep in mind while you cross your 20s is that you don’t need people who spread negativity in your life, no matter what they say. You don’t need people who are there to prove that you aren’t worth anything without them or how dependent you are on them. It could be anyone, your colleagues, friends, partner or anyone. Life is too short to waste your time over people who aren’t there to uplift you in times of need. As mentioned in point 3, keep only those people around you who are inspiring, loving and positive and leave the rest of them for someone else to handle. After all, they are not your problem.

Turning 30 is like an advanced stage of adulting where you have just figured out your life but you are still finding out, what exactly you want to do with it.



Surbhi Gupta

I am an old-school writer with tongue-in-cheek humour. It might be hard to believe but I also read a lot of books. Check the ‘About’ page for proof!