Blend your services with payment gateway and take it to customers that are abroad

3 min readDec 9, 2019

We have been living in a country where people are facing a lot of problems from proper guidance to monetary funds, from having an idea of implementing it. Since they have a lower rate of literacy disparity. We all have a dream of reaching out to our goals especially if you are associated with starting a business of your ideas. But only a few of us can make it to finally have that sense of business with which they want to continue their entire life. If you have planned out to become one of those we may be happy to provide you with the solutions that will guide you through the hiccups and problems associated with the business. We at ePayGLobal provide a range of services to our merchants so that they can take their business to heights. International Payment Gateway Provider will take care of your business expansion strategies and will guide you through taking your products or services to customers that are abroad. Adding extensive services to your business to overall increase your market value. The wide range of services includes credit card processing, payment gateways, ACH payment processing, Electronic checks, Payment Processors etc. These are some of the services that will help you with smooth and flexible payment transaction solutions.

Benefits of having a good merchant account

International Payment Gateway helps merchants in taking their products and services to international customers and allowing them to accept multiple currencies for their business account. It will allow you to accept multiple currencies for your business account. International customers that are interested to take your services and products can easily make payment with the help of merchant account. Some of the most popular currencies such as Euro, Pounds, Dollar, Dinar etc. can get into your business account by hiring a service provider that can help you with getting an efficient merchant account services. Merchants will also have the benefits of multiple modes of transfer mode payment. Customers have the facility of making the payment from any of the cards they have with them on the merchant website.

How you can get a credit card processing account?

Businesses or merchants can easily acquire a merchant account but they need to make sure that they are not associated with any kind of ill legal activities or unlawful activity that can restrain them from legally doing things. Banks or financial Institutions restrain themselves with providing a merchant account of businesses. They will ensure that you are not associated with any kind of illegal terms of activity. They use to follow a comprehensive process that will provide them with the glance of some very close information regarding the same. Once they get to know you closely they will categorize you into the high or low-risk category. There are certain documents that you will need to submit for getting the merchant account facility. Here is the list of some of the documents that are needed to get an efficient payment processor.

· You will be required to have Director’s Profile KYC. It will ensure that the business has authorized directors that can also be validated

· The merchant needs to have recent 3 months bank statement for getting a merchant account.

· If you previously owned a business then you must have a payment processor. It is important to submit 3 months recent processor statement before availing an efficient payment processor.

· You are required to have Government-authorized Voter ids and Driving License.

· For previously owned business owners, you need to have chargeback as low as 2%.

· We at ePayGlobal provide you with the best International Merchant Account facility that will help you stand better in the market. Along with that, you will be getting 24*7 customer support services that will help you solve all your business needs.

Merchant account service provider will ensure that you will be having your merchant account within 5 to 7 business workdays. It is recommended to take suggestions from professionals that have profound experience in providing payment gateway solutions to merchants all over the world; they can better guide you with the best payment processor available for your business.




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