Suresh Kumar Amrani
2 min readSep 10, 2018

Big O notation

Big O notation is simplified analysis of algorithm’s efficiency. Big O gives us some algorithm complexity in term of input size n and give us abstract of machine the code on which run .We can use big O to analyse the time and space . There are couple of ways to analyse the algorithm efficiency we can analyse the

1- Worst case

2- Average case

3- Best case

Few general rules for big O notation

1- Big O notation ignore constants.

2- Certain terms ‘dominate’ on the others


Ignore the low order terms when you dominate the high order ones .


This chart can be found on along with handy guide on big O various important algorithms .Lets do some simple examples to analyse more . Start with constant time. Imagine we have following lines of code

x= 4+(12+25);

Its basic statement compute the x and notice it doest not depend on the input size in any way .We can call it Big O(1) or constant time .

What happened when we have sequence of steps ?

x= 4+(12+25);

Y= 14–4;

print X+Y;

Notice that all steps are constant time how could be compute big O for this block of code .We simple add each step time and we get three multiple by Big O of 1 . So remember we drop constant so its big O(1).

total time = O(1) +O(1)+O(1) = O(1)

I hope this gives you the understanding of Big O notation . Lets talk about the real world practice when you create the algorithm please realize that constant absolutely do constant of two or three could have a large impact on your code .

Suresh Kumar Amrani

Trouble Maker , Drinker of fine coffee and tea,I'm mostly made of carbon, oxygen, & hydrogen. Software Developer