The pilot episode

Surietha Hammond
3 min readFeb 12, 2018

Day 1

If I say vol you say tron!

1 Feb

So day one of a new job…

It starts waking up with this pit in my stomach, butterflies isn’t really the correct word…maybe like more like huge cement blocks. Not knowing exactly what I am going to be doing, still getting to know the new people. Will I be okay!!?? (Runs around in little circle)

So I arrive at work, on time, because yes I got up waaayyyy earlier than I needed too. One must not be late on the first day!!

And you want to know how this first day starts??

In a board room, with the other apprentices(No we are not playing cludeo).

Stephan (his in charge of us) looks at me and says complete the following sentence “I like…” , the little inner me (you know the one in your head) is freaking out and my first reply is: “anime”. Richard (another apprentice) says “big butts” so I think he wins.

So ten points to Tribus for being able to calm people down.

So in summary the first day was…really chill.

We didn’t do any work just learnt about Tribus in general its values and goals … one really interesting thing we got to do was interrogate…I mean interview one other possible apprentice. Poor guy 8 people who only just started, asking him questions to see if he can be on our team. He did really well, his on the team (Hi Justin!)

Day 1 Success!

Day 2

This was once again a very relaxed day we had a day in Quantum Energy coaching….as someone who did physics a couple years ago I saw the words Quantum Energy and my eyes nearly popped out.

It was not what I thought! It was actually a really neat session on being able to overcome problems and be more positive.

I don’t know if I got exactly what the speaker wanted from the session but I really enjoyed just sitting with the gents outside and getting to know more about them :-3

Day 2 Success as well!

Also both days we got lunch…more points for Tribus , p.s. I am now addicted to Nandos Snack Box…try it!

Week 1

This was an interesting week…

So again this week we didn’t jump right in to coding which I really appreciated. More time to get used to the new surroundings and schedules. Instead all the interns were assigned different research topics and had to give presentations on Friday. Good thing I like public speaking presentations etc.

Mine and Jp’s topic was UX Processing

I enjoyed this very much as I am quite interested in UX. That’s User Experience if you didn’t know. It all about making people happy when they interact with software/products etc, it’s about making it easy for users to use as well making sure you meet the actual need .

Check out this YouTube video to see a super short summary on what we looked into:

Also we did a small code retreat. So this is interesting you try to get a solution to a problem in this case it was the game of life ( by working in pairs. After a while you switch your pair and start over. Crazy right! But you learn a lot… for instance we learned… we need more JavaScript experience (sweat drop). But before we could this we had to set up Meteor, which is the platform Tribus prefers to use for coding, that toke a while….most of the morning, I don’t have the most uhmmmm up to date? Laptop, some stuff toke more than 30 mins…

So all in all I would say it was a not so bad week 1.



Surietha Hammond

I let my imagination run wild, it always come back…with cake!