3 Types Of New Years Resolution To Make In 2024 (Part 3-Physical Resolutions)

Surin Kumar Vivekanandan
2 min readJan 5, 2024


Running is always a good place to start exercising

Making a new year’s resolution to go the the gym, to exercise and be healthy is the most common resolution that people make and it’s also the most common one that people fail.

They fail isn’t because the resolution is too hard or they are too lazy/unfocused. It’s mostly because they don’t understand their own limitations.

It’s okay to start small, like really small physical activities. Here are some simple exercises you can start with:

  • Go for a walk around your house or just walk to a nearby store and just repeat that until you are consistent then increase the distance
  • Do 1 exercise only like push ups, burpees and so on.
  • Workout with a friend/partner and keep each other accountable.
  • Get into sports/outdoor activities. This can help you to keep exercising.

Of course exercise isn’t everything, physical resolution can also be about your health. It can be your diet, hygiene, sleep cycle, physical health and more.

For diet you can start with reduction. It’s when you reduce something that you’ve been consuming to consume less. Maybe less fast food or less meat or less sugar or less coffee. It’s up to you but start with 1 only and try to do it for 1 month first.

For hygiene, it’s not just about your personal hygiene it can also be about your environment. Keeping it clean reduces your chances of getting something bad. So start with maybe cleaning once a week or once a day.

When it comes to your sleep cycle it’s best to sleep between 6–8 hours. A good nights rest is very important for your body and mind to rest and grow. You can try to have a small sleep ritual to encourage you to sleep on time.

Well for your health, if your body is lacking the necessary vitamins, consult your doctor before taking supplements. Other than that just do on or more of the above resolutions and you are on your way to becoming healthier already.

The key thing when starting any resolution is start small and slowly increase according to your own pace.



Surin Kumar Vivekanandan

An aspiring human who wants to live his life happily. I want try different things in life to find my passion. I want to write & share my thoughts & experiences.